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This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:53 am
by kenoki_Archive
i don't know what you are talking about. 'splain lucy. or should i turn on fox news?

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:03 am
by gjhardwick_Archive
Pictured not far from my house. I think it sums up the whole situation quite nicely;


Particularly when I feel the people of this area of Nottingham should be more concerned with praying for safety of their own children.

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:06 am
by B_M_L_Archive
gjhardwick wrote:Pictured not far from my house. I think it sums up the whole situation quite nicely;


Particularly when I feel the people of this area of Nottingham should be more concerned with praying for safety of their own children.

Wow - that's quite creepy. It looks like they've strung up some poor kids fluffy pink toy by it's neck as a warning...

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:07 am
by GypsumFantastic_Archive
I'm going to sound nasty but i'm tired of hearing and seeing it all.

We discussed this in a tutorial I was in the other week. It's the middle class, good family victim of crime thing. It's like the Leah Betts case.
This will be used to bring in tagging of kids or something similar.

The two black kids found murdered at home near me got ooohhhh all of two square column inches in the papers

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:07 am
by simmo_Archive

Impromptu shrine/memorial thing just round the corner from us (photo: gjhardwick).

The message is written on a bath towel.

I don't understand any of it, but I think it reflects pretty badly on people. As scores of people die in suicide bombings every day in other parts of the world, we are apparently supposed to consecrate three weeks of national mourning to the disappearance of one individual child.

It makes no sense.

edit: ah, Gareth had already posted it.

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:08 am
by Earwicker_Archive
In agreement, Mr Food.

I raised eye brows saying something similar to people about the Holly Wells Jessica Chapman thing a few years ago.

Would the press really have started slobbering all over it if there wasn't a pleasant picture of the two pretty young girls in football t-shirts?

No they wouldn't.

Ugly/Black/Poor kids would never get as much publicity as this.

In this case I'm inclined to think that if this was a family from a council estate the press would have nailed them to a cross for leaving their kids alone while they went to a restaurant.

It's all pretty murky shit if you ask me

And arguably counter productive

With this much heat on the whole thing it could force the hand of whichever sick bastard took her into doing worse than might have otherwise been the case.

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:10 am
by tommydski_Archive
I hope she is returned to her parents unharmed in good time.
However! Two things struck me about the parents -

1. They left their child unattended in an unlocked room whilst they were doing what exactly?

2. They decided in their grief it would be help to meet the Pope?

Steve, I'm feeling ill today. Can I come to Electrical Audio so you can give me a pat on the back?

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:11 am
by simmo_Archive
GypsumFantastic wrote:t's like the Leah Betts case.
This will be used to bring in tagging of kids or something similar.

My brother's best friend used to take ecstasy with Leah Betts on a regular basis. She was hugely in to the rave scene, often took six or seven a night.

The story as we have been told it is a complete myth.

wiki wrote:Subsequent events

The media onslaught after her death focused heavily on the putative fact that it was the first time she had taken the drug.[4] It arose later - though was much less publicised - that she had taken the drug at least three times previously. Her father, Paul, subsequently became a vocal public campaigner against drug abuse. He and his wife were present at the press conference at which Barry Legg MP launched his Public Entertainments Licences (Drug Misuse) Act, which allowed councils to close down licensed venues if the police "believed" controlled drugs were being used "at or near" the premises.[5]

It later emerged that the Sorted posters had been the work of three advertising companies: Booth Lockett and Makin (media buyers), Knight Leech and Delaney (advertising agency), and FFI (youth marketing consultants), which split the cost of what would have been a £1 million campaign between themselves, yet it has been claimed that their motives were hardly altruistic. Booth Lockett and Makin counted brewers Löwenbräu as one of its major clients, at a time when the alcohol industry saw increasing ecstasy use as a threat to profits. The other two companies represented energy drink Red Bull, earning Knight Leech and Delaney £5 million, while one of FFI's executives remarked that, "We do PR for Red Bull for example and we do a lot of clubs. It's very popular at the moment because it's a substitute for taking ecstasy."[6][7]

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:11 am
by B_M_L_Archive
You people are so insensitive! Wow...

Kid gets snatched and y'all make out like it's ok and that her folks should just get over it, and that parents in shouldn't feel any empathy for them. F'sake.

This whole Madeleine McCann thing...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:14 am
by B_M_L_Archive
I was just kidding in my previous post by the way...

tommydski wrote:1. They left their child unattended in an unlocked room whilst they were doing what exactly?

The resort that they were staying at has a policy which encourages parents to do this. The parents are given monitors for the rooms and staff members are normally stationed around the hotel to listen out for crying children. It's part of their marketing material that it is safe in this way. I doubt they will be using it in the future though.