Hosoi wrote:I hate fucking hippies.
Bacon is pretty.
does this mean that you prefer fucking bacon? it's probably less dirty that way.
vegetarianism = not crap, go for it!
though i think the "cruelty" argument breaks down right about the time you look at how nature works. take the spider for example. they don't seem to consume their food in a particularly humane way. or great cats, with the shredding with claws, and ripping the throat out and all that. seems like a painful death is generally in store for any consumable animal, regardless of the existence of humans.
but humans, we're special, we're the "enlightened" ones, the better ones.
i think most vegetarians need to take their enlightened stance a step further and recognize that plants have a life force all their own. a plant will grow towards light. this is deemed "instinct". not unlike the process to which we traditionally ascribe the actions of animals. i have yet to see any conclusive proof that shows that vegetables cannot possibly have "feelings" that we simply don't understand. their death seems to me to be primarily different from a cow's death in that humans place more significance on the life of a creature not just with eyes, but with specifically with *big* eyes. the number of vegetarians i've met who don't brutally kill bugs in their home is awful, awful small. bugs have eyes, faces, the whole nine yards.
vegetarianism on the basis of a dietary, purely "healthy" motivation, that's very NOT CRAP. vegetarianism on the basis of "don't hurt the animals", though noble in posture, i find to be generally indefensible in discussion, a NOT CRAP end by CRAP means. i have yet to hear anyone present a convincing case that things don't just work that way by Nature's design, again, even if humans didn't exist. i would expect that claws and teeth cause pain to more animals than human meat consumption does. circle of life, no escaping death (or pain for that matter) etc. it's not that the meat folks are causing pain for the sake of causing pain. it's just part of the deal.