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Neotek Elite ELCO Pinout

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:54 am
by matthewbarnhart_Archive
Visionarium402 wrote:I recently purchased a 1988 Neotek Elite. However I can't find the pinout diagrams in the manuals that were sent along with it. I talked to the last owner who lives in southern Florida(who has been very helpful), and it turns out that he never had the diagrams either. He had a student at Full Sail come and figure everything out.

I have a 1987 Elan (with pin-out diagrams), and I'll fax you anything I have, but I don't think it will be of much (if any) use. Otherwise, Mike Stoica at Sytek would be your safest bet.

Re: ELCO wiring: if you can't find anyone locally, a number of companies (Redco and Markertek come to mind) will do just about any fabrication you want.
