overheard on the street-a bar-somewhere not Guitar Center

Kerble if it's there. Inspired by the "Overheard at Guitar Center" thread mixed with my walk home from Pitchfork fest tonight.

Guy on cell phone, walking down the sidewalk on a quiet middle-teir-fanciness city street:

Loudly, clearly angrily:

"Oh is that what you think?!? Well don't smart-mount me, missy!!! Some day you're gonna get old, too!!! Yeah, that's right!!!"

That's all I caught as we passed on opposite sides of the street.
Last edited by scott_Archive on Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

overheard on the street-a bar-somewhere not Guitar Center

Today at Rolling Stones record store in Norridge, IL.

Old woman (probably in her 70s) reading Rolling Stones "Forty Licks" track listing over her cell phone:

"Can't get no SA-SASSIFACTION?!"
Drunk, possibly stoned/tripping girl with bad breath at Unsane show last month:

leans over to me... says "hey!"
I say "yeah?"
She says something along the lines of "I could've been the replacement!"
I say "cool", and walk away.
(Winters In Osaka)

overheard on the street-a bar-somewhere not Guitar Center

In a university computer lab, conducted between two individuals whose tanned skin had the appearance and consistency of a chestnut-brown naugahyde recliner:

Guy: Hey man. You just got back?

Girl: Yesterday. Loved it, just lay out and tanned allllll day.

Guy: What're you using, if I may ask?

Girl: Sure. I start with the Hawaiian Tropic 8, the oil, and after a couple of days, when I've got a good base going, I dial it down to the Hawaiian Tropic 4. And 20 on the face, of course.

Guy: 20 on the face? Why 20 on the face?

Girl: You only have one face.

overheard on the street-a bar-somewhere not Guitar Center

I was walking out of the bike shop yesterday after buying my new bike and I was in the middle of telling a story/joke to my wife the guy passing us only heard 'he's one of a only a handful of people I know who has fucked a dead body'
he actually stopped and turned around and said 'what?!'
I said 'this dude I know, he fucked a dead body'
He just turned around real quick and walked away

I bet he's gonna think about that for awhile.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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