What Goes On Most Often?

The Velvet Underground and Nico
Total votes: 12 (20%)
White Light/White Heat
Total votes: 18 (30%)
The Velvet Underground
Total votes: 20 (33%)
Total votes: 4 (7%)
1969: Velvet Underground Live
Total votes: 3 (5%)
Squeeze (No votes)
Total votes: 3 (5%)
Another View (No votes)
Total votes: 60

Your Favorite Velvet Underground Record

It is a big fucking toss-up between VU&N and WL/WH.



The memory of finding the sparkling noise diamond of VU&N in Dad's record shelf, playing it six times over the course of two days, immediately detuning your first guitar and trying to perfect that monotonous, repetitive, truly sleazy brilliance and arrogance of Lou Reed. Also befriending Cellists.


The memory of hearing "Sister Ray" for the first time and becoming obsessed with the notion of violence, volume, noise, and repetition. Fuck.

Trace your very first flirtation with noise. Your very first one. Was it the first time you learned how to use a turntable by dropping a VU record on the mat? Did you peel the yellow sticker off the cover of a near mint copy that could have been a first pressing?

WL/WH is still my favorite though.

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