Garry Kasparov?

Total votes: 1 (13%)
Total votes: 7 (88%)
Total votes: 8

Politican: Garry Kasparov

I'm about a third of the way into How Life Imitates Chess. It's an excellent read. I'm reading it more for the insight into chess than anything else, and I think that because it's not specifically a chess book there is stuff in there you're not going to get in any other chess book. There's a postscript about his involvement in Russian politics, and he's not backward in coming forward regarding what he thinks of Putin.

I know this is moving away from the poll subject of him as a political figure, but I am finding this book very motivational in my life at the moment for various reasons. There is fascinating insight into the discipline instilled in him by his chess tutor Botvinnik. There is also an interesting thing he says about an attitude that has faded in recent years: thinking inside the box.

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