Tell about the Last Time you Were Betrayed

So I'm watching this old movie called WORKING GIRL with Sigourney Weaver (HOTT) and Melanie Griffith, and Melanie's character was betrayed two times over the course of five minutes. She caught her boyf having butt-secks with some girl and then she caught her boss stealing her business idea.

I was like, "ZOMG BETRAID."

That got me thinking. Tell about the last time you were betrayed by someone in whom you had placed a great deal of trust. You don't have to name names if you don't want to. But go into the nitty-gritty, and lash out if you feel that that's necessary.

Tell about the Last Time you Were Betrayed

NerblyBear wrote:So I'm watching this old movie called WORKING GIRL with Sigourney Weaver (HOTT) and Melanie Griffith, and Melanie's character was betrayed two times over the course of five minutes. She caught her boyf having butt-secks with some girl and then she caught her boss stealing her business idea.

I was like, "ZOMG BETRAID."

That got me thinking. Tell about the last time you were betrayed by someone in whom you had placed a great deal of trust. You don't have to name names if you don't want to. But go into the nitty-gritty, and lash out if you feel that that's necessary.

So, did you feel betrayed by this movie? Because you wasted an hour and a half watching it? And now you want that time back?

Tell me about it young man. Feel free to unload about it here.

What I'm saying is, you go first. Since you brought it up.
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Tell about the Last Time you Were Betrayed

Once, a long time ago, I had this guy that I was training and he got all buddy buddy with the boss of the company we worked at.
The boss hated everyone in our department so while me and my supervisor were out of the office, our department got terminated.
It turns out the guy I trained got promoted and was the one who fired our entire department.
He got sent to manage another branch of the company and after I saw my supervisor to safety, I tracked him down there.
I ended up having to cut off both his legs and his left arm.
Then he caught on fire.
I wonder what happened to that guy...
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Tell about the Last Time you Were Betrayed

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Once, a long time ago, I had this guy that I was training and he got all buddy buddy with the boss of the company we worked at.
The boss hated everyone in our department so while me and my supervisor were out of the office, our department got terminated.
It turns out the guy I trained got promoted and was the one who fired our entire department.
He got sent to manage another branch of the company and after I saw my supervisor to safety, I tracked him down there.
I ended up having to cut off both his legs and his left arm.
Then he caught on fire.
I wonder what happened to that guy...

Sounds like you went easy on him.....I mean, at least he could still jerk off.
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Tell about the Last Time you Were Betrayed

I can't remember ever being betrayed. I have however been the betrayer (or?) and I still feel pretty shitty about it. And the story goes...

When I was living in Minneapolis I ran with a pretty tight group of friends. There were seven of us and my girlfriend Katy. While Katy was part of said clique I single her out as far as this story goes.

Kate and I dated and lived together for seven months, with her mother. Life was good, actually life was great, I thought we would end up wed one day. Well that one day never came and on an unseasonably warm day in April I awoke to a note on her pillow telling me we were through.

Heartbroken and now without a home I packed up my things. The next morning she took me to the bus station where I hopped a Greyhound that would lead me to sub-zero weather in Canada. I would miss her and mop around a tar paper shack of a cabin for three months and then... She calls.

The talk is sweet and full of regret, she misses me. She tells me she has been seeing our close friend Zack, but she feels obligated to date him so she can still hang out with everyone. I tell her she is being paranoid and she shouldn't feel like she has to be with anyone for any other reason than she wants to be. We confess our love.

She and I continue to talk for a month or so, the entire time she is with Zack, when I decide to take another Greyhound to see her. The entire ride I am nervous and I go over exactly what I want to say. She picks me up, we are silent.

We get to her parents house, where she still lived at the time, and I exchange formalities with her mother and brothers before heading upstairs to her room. Words are few, everything I planned on saying escapes me and we are tearing each others clothes off like the house is ablaze and fucking is the only way to put it out.

We finish, not as quickly as I thought, and regret immediately sets in for the both of us. We vow not to tell Zack and talk about possibilities for our future. We smoke a cigarette, get dressed and get coffee.

Later that night I am at a friends house while Katy is out on a date with the friend she said she was going to leave. The phone rings and I think it is her calling to tell me she and Zack were over, not so. She told him, she's crying, he's pissed, and I need booze.

I got drunk and the next morning, yet again, left Minneapolis on a bus. I returned to Canada, at least the weather was warmer this time around, and stayed drunk for a month. Zack and I haven't spoke one on one since then and when, which is rare, we are in a social setting conversation is strained.

Neither of us speak to Katy anymore. She went on to date another one of our close friends, a lot more successfully than Zack. I occasionally wonder what Zack is doing now and I know I could get his number but I would never call because the guilt is so overwhelming that all I would be able to do is apologize, which I have done on more than one occasion.

After the incident our group kind of fizzled out. Zack moved to Kentucky to persue a PhD and got married. Katy; as far as I've heard, is in AA and has a steady boyfriend. Me; well I am talking about the time I screwed over a friend on this board.

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