Jay Ryan Health Alert!

Friends -

Jay Ryan, a good friend of many of us, confided in me the other night that he's been working through some difficult health issues. While I do not want to alarm anyone that this is something terminal (it's sure not), he's been working through these issues in near silence. I think that I was able to provide an almost anonymous confidence to him when I saw him the other night. But (and I feel I must do this Jay), I would like for us to reach out to Jay and let him know that we're pulling for him.

Jay - you can share how things are going when your ready. In the meantime, I'd encourage everyone to post an inspirational picture here. Jay's graphics have given us so much pleasure. Maybe you can share a picture with Jay and the rest of us saying - "Thanks Jay, and I hope you'll be feeling better soon."

Hang in there,

= Justin

Jay Ryan Health Alert!

Justin from Queens wrote:Friends -

Jay Ryan, a good friend of many of us, confided in me the other night that he's been working through some difficult health issues. While I do not want to alarm anyone that this is something terminal (it's sure not), he's been working through these issues in near silence. I think that I was able to provide an almost anonymous confidence to him when I saw him the other night. But (and I feel I must do this Jay), I would like for us to reach out to Jay and let him know that we're pulling for him.

Jay - you can share how things are going when your ready. In the meantime, I'd encourage everyone to post an inspirational picture here. Jay's graphics have given us so much pleasure. Maybe you can share a picture with Jay and the rest of us saying - "Thanks Jay, and I hope you'll be feeling better soon."

Hang in there,

= Justin

Um, he confided in you, and then you post, on a more or less public forum, that he has difficult health issues?

I'm sure you mean well, but do you really think that was a good idea?

If he asked for you to spread the word, well, then, ok.

I hope your friend gets well.
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