Describe the Best Book You ve Ever Read

that damned fly wrote:it was a book about a guy. nazis won the war. the u.s. was broken. i guess it's not a book about a guy, but maybe three or four guys. and a woman or two. and the i ching.

i was high when i read most of it and it seemed real good. won a hugo award. says so right on the cover.

awesome book.

"The Man In The High Castle" by P.K. Dick?
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Describe the Best Book You ve Ever Read

Mark Hansen wrote:
that damned fly wrote:it was a book about a guy. nazis won the war. the u.s. was broken. i guess it's not a book about a guy, but maybe three or four guys. and a woman or two. and the i ching.

i was high when i read most of it and it seemed real good. won a hugo award. says so right on the cover.

awesome book.

"The Man In The High Castle" by P.K. Dick?

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Describe the Best Book You ve Ever Read

I would be legitimately interested in reading about PRFers' favorite books, as proposed by Nerbly Bear in his original post. I think it's unfortunate that this thread probably won't make it off the ground since NB made the silly decision of not making a starting contribution. I am a high school kid and therefore my choice is not an especially cultured one, but I would say my favorite piece of prose is Seymour: An Introduction by J.D. Salinger. It describes the dynamic of interaction between people who love each other better than anything else I've read, and when the narrator (Buddy Glass) is feeling either really tortured or especially nostalgic, he trails off from talking to the reader and starts talking to himself in what I would consider to be the most human voice I've ever read.
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Describe the Best Book You ve Ever Read

Meditations in Green by Stephen Wright (not the comedian).

Edit: I guess I could describe it a little. It's sort of a Catch-22 for the Vietnam war but I find it a lot more amusing and absurd.
Last edited by Sock OR Muffin?_Archive on Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?

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