Weather Report

Total votes: 7 (50%)
Total votes: 7 (50%)
Total votes: 14

Band: Weather Report

Growing out of the "In a Silent Way" Miles Davis sessions, the first couple of albums are indespensible. On the other hand, if I have to listen to "Birdland" one more goddamn time there's gonna be more mall shootings.

Not Crap w/ lots of later period waffles.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

Band: Weather Report

First album is really good, "I Sing the Body Electric" is amazing, after that they start getting poopy, little by little. Halfway into the Jaco era they were unlistenable already. "Mysterious Traveler" is a favourite from their fusiony world music period.

I like the early music enough to give it a "not crap".

Band: Weather Report

Jeremy wrote:what's next, acoustic alchemy?

It looks as if you're really trying to sell your ignorance.

I'll try to make an analogy you can understand:
Acoustic Alchemy is to Weather Report
The Alan Parsons Project is to Queen

Try sticking to subjects exclusive to rock perhaps.

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