xmas is upon us. i want to hear about all the well intentioned horrible gifts people receive. let's hear it. let's hear about the 2 sizes too big sequined sweatshirt your aunt and uncle got for you and all of your siblings. let's hear about the pack of wooden spoons you got from your wife.
jews: we know your hanukah presents 1-7 sucked. if your 8th gift sucked but was well intentioned let's have it.
in fact. maybe EA should do a gift exchange. sender pays postage. one rule: if you receive a gift you must send a gift, though not necessarily to the same person. in a separate thread, simply post what the item up for exchange is and when that gift is requested enter a new post that says "sold."
The 2007 Bad Gift Thread
1To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.