Worst cover versions imaginable

In a dream early this morning, I was having a discussion with friends about the worst cover versions imaginable, whether or not they existed. My contribution: "In Heaven" (the Lady in the Radiator song from Eraserhead), performed by "Wonderful Christmastime"-era Wings. (Disclaimer: I probably wouldn't have thought of this one if I'd been conscious.)

Your nominees?
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Worst cover versions imaginable

The entire Pixies Tribute album, Where Is My Mind. Here's the track list:

1. Alison - EVE 6
2. Alec Eiffel - The Get Up Kids
3. Velouria - Weezer
4. Monkey Gone To Heaven - Far
5. Trompe Le Monde - Braid
6. Wave Of Mutilation - Superdrag
7. Manta Ray - Teen Heroes
8. Tame - Local H
9. Gigantic - Reel Big Fish
10. The Holiday Song - The Siren Six!
11. Where Is My Mind? - Nada Surf
12. Gouge Away - The Promise Ring
13. Here Comes Your Man - Samiam
14. LA, LA, Love You - Weston
15. Caribou - Sense Field

The only other thing that comes to mind is the few Cure covers I heard at clothing stores downtown. Whoever did that Pictures of You cover totally didn't get the memo on the song's beat.
Builder/Destroyer | Highwheel Records

Worst cover versions imaginable

This isn't EXACTLY the same thing.......but a while back I saw a video of HANSON covering Radiohead's "Optimistic". I was immediately pissed off.....and disgusted.....but then I realized that it was actually kinda good. Sure it was a pop-hooky version, but they had all the harmonies dead on. I'm pretty sure none of them were actually playing their instruments though.

Regardless, that was the first/last time I ever listened to HANSON.

(don't punch me) ;)

Worst cover versions imaginable

caix wrote:The entire Pixies Tribute album, Where Is My Mind. Here's the track list:

1. Alison - EVE 6
2. Alec Eiffel - The Get Up Kids
3. Velouria - Weezer
4. Monkey Gone To Heaven - Far
5. Trompe Le Monde - Braid
6. Wave Of Mutilation - Superdrag
7. Manta Ray - Teen Heroes
8. Tame - Local H
9. Gigantic - Reel Big Fish
10. The Holiday Song - The Siren Six!
11. Where Is My Mind? - Nada Surf
12. Gouge Away - The Promise Ring
13. Here Comes Your Man - Samiam
14. LA, LA, Love You - Weston
15. Caribou - Sense Field

wflhaaaaaaaaaaarrrhhhbleaaaeech - is the sound of me throwing up in a gabage can.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

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