Band: Neurosis

Total votes: 5 (38%)
Total votes: 3 (23%)
Total votes: 5 (38%)
Total votes: 13

Band: Neurosis

bomberz1qr20 wrote:
n.c. wrote:Sorry, I just don't get it.

Don't worry, you don't have to.


shhhhhh... Don't let him know that. He might start getting ideas. Or even worse, he might figure out why they call fingers fingers when they don't even fing anything.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

Band: Neurosis

Not crap. I've seen Neurosis live twice, both times at a pizza parlor in Riverside, CA the size of your garage. The first time I saw them was in 91' when they were more or less a punk band during the WORD AS LAW era; the second time, months later, they had morphed into this art band with visuals and everything. I was on mushrooms at the time, so as you can imagine, the show was ultra intense; Von Till, the Viking guitarist, had this whacked out stare going on throughout whole set. And if I'm not mistaken, the other guitar guitarist beat the hell out of some skinhead after the show.
Even though I do feel that Neurosis have become increasingly pretentious over the year, it's great to still see them around. They're great musicians and I'd rather my kids listen to them than 311 any day! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Band: Neurosis


times of grace is in the top 5 on my 'heavier than most other music i listen to' list.

the new album is 1387518451 times better than a sun that never sets, but i have a complaint: colored vinyl.

that very record prompted this poll:

salut!, Mr. Roeder!


p.s. come to atlanta. or athens.
HotATLdiy|HAWKS[/img]|[url=]Blame Game

Band: Neurosis

154 wrote:obviously not crap.

i finally got the new record today and it's not crap as well. actually, the second half gets a little dull, but most of their records are like that for some reason.

phasers accross the stereo buss? Not Crap!

I was a little bothered by the phasing at first, because I usually associate phasing with Smashing Pumpkins. It has definitely grown on me though and works very well.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

Band: Neurosis

Isn't it kind of faux-tough / evil in a my-parents-don't-understand / scary in a hear-that-noise-it's-the-locusts-of-the-apocalypse kind of way?

I wanna like it, but it sounds very ingenuine. Like preprocessed haunted house music.

sorry, and no offense, I'm sure they/you would hate my music.


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