...and then completely understood why they act the way they do?
This has happened to me on several occasions on several different forums. It's always a subconscious triggering that I couldn't really ward off if I tried. Feeling like a shallow douche is a significant downside, but I enjoy the impotence that their overly-aggressive or inflammatory posts seem to carry after the discovery.
Ever happened to you or am I completely alone in this?
Have you ever seen a picture of a forum member...
2this thread is useless without pictures.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE
Have you ever seen a picture of a forum member...
3dontfeartheringo wrote:this thread is useless
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.
Have you ever seen a picture of a forum member...
4miseryandthesun wrote:...and then completely understood why they act the way they do?
This has happened to me on several occasions on several different forums. It's always a subconscious triggering that I couldn't really ward off if I tried. Feeling like a shallow douche is a significant downside, but I enjoy the impotence that their overly-aggressive or inflammatory posts seem to carry after the discovery.
Ever happened to you or am I completely alone in this?
yr not alone
Have you ever seen a picture of a forum member...
5Well then, let's post photos. Let's see if I look like a "cynic" or whatever.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.
Have you ever seen a picture of a forum member...
7Heliotropic wrote:Je suis un petit garçon.
Quelle fromage!
Have you ever seen a picture of a forum member...
8I bought a brown leather blazer today. I think it makes me look sexy as hell. Are my posts sexy as hell?
What are you gettin' at?
What are you gettin' at?
Have you ever seen a picture of a forum member...
9miseryandthesun wrote:...and then completely understood why they act the way they do?
This has happened to me on several occasions on several different forums. It's always a subconscious triggering that I couldn't really ward off if I tried. Feeling like a shallow douche is a significant downside, but I enjoy the impotence that their overly-aggressive or inflammatory posts seem to carry after the discovery.
You need to be less obvious when you talk about That Damned Fly.
Have you ever seen a picture of a forum member...
10I like Fly just fine.
Life is like a box of chocolates.
You never know when Tom Hanks is gonna say something stupid.
You never know when Tom Hanks is gonna say something stupid.