Do you?

Yes, I plan on it
Total votes: 35 (45%)
No, I don't plan on it
Total votes: 28 (36%)
Haven't decided yet
Total votes: 14 (18%)
Total votes: 77

Do you plan on having a family?

Josef K wrote:I have two kids and a wife. I love family life although I've had to sacrifice some things like some disposable income, free time, time with just my wife, time on my own, etc. But the positives outweigh the negatives. Definitely worth it.

Actually, the opposite is true--there are MANY more negatives. For me, "some disposable income, free time, time with just my wife, time on my own, etc." means just about everything. Take those things away and I would be one depressed, stressed out motherfucker. I can tell that a lot of my friends that went ahead and had kids without really thinking it out now feel trapped and fucked but have to constantly tell themselves and everyone else that "it's all worth it" so they won't snap.

Here's 83 reasons why it's worth it to not breed.

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