Music that scares you.


Chrome is the only band I've ever listened to that makes me feel uneasy to the point where I'll occasionally have to turn it off.

I think it's the mix of psychedelic chaos and generally poor quality of the recordings I have. The mix of visceral rock & masterfully created confusion usually conjures images that spin me out onto a bad train of thought.

I like this band a whole lot. I just can't listen to them for all that long in one sitting.

The first time I heard Bleach as a kid, it scared me too.

Life is like a box of chocolates.
You never know when Tom Hanks is gonna say something stupid.

Music that scares you.

I remember when I was a child there was this part on a cassette my parents had, for some reason I want to say Metallica, that this little girl say, "Mommy where's teddy?" My sister and I were home alone and it scared the pee/poop out of us. If anyone could help me figure out where that little bit of creepy came from I would love to repeatedly call my sister and play that.

Music that scares you.

Throbbing Gristle
Early Swans
Rudimentary Peni

The lyrical themes and ominous or violent musical approaches of these groups can put your head in a really weird space. Sometimes I have to turn the music off and just go take a walk or eat an apple or something to get my mind off of it. There are certain bands (like these) that do actively try to make you uncomfortable, and I think that's scarier than just being confronted with the cheap horror gimmickry of, say, black metal bands or Slayer.
Last edited by NerblyBear_Archive on Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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