My allegiance lies with:

Total votes: 125 (49%)
The Jesus Lizard
Total votes: 131 (51%)
Total votes: 256

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

I have no doubt that TJL kicks the living shit out of Fugazi in the first round.

I don't really get Fugazi. I liked Repeater when I was 14, but I liked the Pixies and Sonic Youth a whole lot more. Everything since then hasn't done much for me.

The Jesus Lizard? Five amazing albums, including Bang. Two ok albums. And one and a half crap albums.

Live TJL was amazing. I really doubt anyone would say Fugazi put on a better live show. Fugazi was decent live, but certainly not in my top ten.

And I can't stand it when "the other guy" sings in Fugazi.

TJL all day, everyday.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

Way, way unfair poll. The Jesus Lizard beats everyone, simply because Mac was the greatest drummer in the world and because Duane was the greatest guitarist in the world. Evidence: "Din", "50 Cents", "Rodeo in Joliet" and "Rope". If anyone can find me evidence of drumming more ferocious and musical than that on "Din," I'll give him twenty bucks. Seriously, Mac is godlike. I've heard Keith Moon, I've heard Zach Hill, I've heard Brian Chippendale, I've heard Greg Saunier. No one measures up to Mac, in my mind. Just an unbelievable drummer, a constant pleasure to listen to.

Fugazi was also an incredible band. They were that rare type: the band that gets better and better as their career progresses. How often can you say that? Joe and Brendan were one heck of a rhythm section. The double guitar attack on "Repeater" is glorious.

But this is unfair. The Jesus Lizard towers over everyone, including Fugazi.
Last edited by NerblyBear_Archive on Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
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