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Question about Building Live drum room walls
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:41 am
by Frances Miranda_Archive
Don't think im going to New Mexico for adobe but what are your thoughts on drywall vs old school peg board walls?any other options i can grab down @ Home depot my soon to be second home!
Question about Building Live drum room walls
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:43 am
by Speedie_Archive
got "drywall" here. and ceiling. albeit a fairly high one. pulled some nice sounds and some shit ones. I think once you get used to your room and gear, you know what works and what dosn't. My Room has no walls that are square to each other though. this may make a bit of a difference. if drywall is in your budget, I'm sure you can make it work for you.
Question about Building Live drum room walls
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:18 am
by Frances Miranda_Archive
thank you for tips!
Im really gonna try to make some angles and keep room from being square!
18 ft wide / 22ft long and 14 ft high cielings that go above mixing room and iso boths for a total of 46 ft of cieling.I hope to have a great live sounding room.