Do you use Gmail or for email?

I use Gmail
Total votes: 91 (76%)
I use
Total votes: 4 (3%)
I use neither
Total votes: 24 (20%)
Total votes: 119

Who uses Gmail or

We are getting an ever higher number of spamfucks creating accounts on our forum. I have to manually delete their posts and individually block their IP addresses and email accounts, which accounts for much of the time I'm on this forum, and it sucks.

A majority of these spam accounts use Gmail and addresses for the obvious reasons that they are quick to create, and can be made in abundance and then ignored. I am wondering if anyone uses Gmail or for "regular human" email, because if nobody is using Gmail, I can just block all email addresses from those servers and I can cut my work load pretty dramatically.

Hah, I called it work.

So, please answer this poll (no need to post unless you have a brilliant technical insight to impart) and we can decide whether or not to ban Gmail and email addresses.
Last edited by steve_Archive on Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Who uses Gmail or

i think that maybe upgrading the forum to another system or adding some other way of spam protection or bot will be easier and healthier that just blocking an e-mail address. that seems a bit blunt.
this forum is a phpBB forum right? a new version, phpBB 3.0 was released in December 2007. are we using this version?
so yeah, i'm a pussy.

Who uses Gmail or

Correct me if I'm wrong, but most spam is sent by bots, right? I assume that bots are the ones who create the account as well, no?
I created one account on EA and it was in 2005, then, I didn't have to put in the "human code". You know, this bunch of letters/numbers that you're required to type in this little box so the system knows you're not a bot. Does EA have one?

Assuming that human beings are creating the spam accounts but bots are the ones who post, perhaps it's possible to make a "human code" for the first post a user is making. So you create an account, but only when you're trying to post something, you're being asked if you're a human!

*I invented the name "human code", I forgot how it's really called. I know that human code is a stupid name.

oh and I use gmail.

Who uses Gmail or

so that explains why you didn't respond to the email I sent you a couple days ago from my tooma...opters account with gmail? i'm a spam? :(

I use yahoo (US) and gmail every day. I prefer the gmail, for its better performance with Outlook Express on my nerd phone.[/mad fucking technical insight]

give me mod-type privils, and all those bullshit threads and accounts, I'll kill em so hard their neighbors' dogs'll piss blood for a month. i've wished I had the ability to clear that crap out, for a long time now. sign me up and lemme at em. I'm already wearin my punchin fists.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

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