Pat Buchanan

Total votes: 26 (72%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 10 (28%)
Total votes: 36

Political Guy: Pat Buchanan

I looked. Didn't see him. Sorry if it's been done before.

Remember when Pat Buchanan was the scariest mofo the republicans had to offer? I remember this joke floating around:
Guy 1: Hey, did you know that Pat Buchanan's dad died in a concentration camp?
Guy 2: Nooo waaay!
Guy 1: Yeah... he fell off the guard tower.
Guys 3 & 4: Haw haw haw!!!

But now?
Compared with who else is out there on the right, he seems totally reasonable now and pretty likable.

Still Crap though.

Political Guy: Pat Buchanan

I can't stand his stances on the 'culture wars', etc. but Pat is a very intelligent guy who knows his world history backwards and forwards, and has been a vocal opponent of the neocons march into the middle east, etc.
He also has a pretty damn good sense of humor, especially for a conservative. The man LAUGHS, even at himself.
I enjoy listening to what Pat has to say, even if i don't agree with a large part of it.
He is not crap.
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

Political Guy: Pat Buchanan

I was just talking about him to someone.

It's not a reflection on my political beliefs, which haven't changed much, but I used to think I'd like to have dinner w/Bill Clinton. Now I'd much rather have dinner with Pat Buchanan than Bill Clinton.

I'm not sure you could pay me enough to spend much time w/Bill Clinton at this point.

I'd like to hang out w/Pat Buchanan for a while. Eat a steak. I think he's wrong an awful lot, but I'm pretty sure it would be entertaining.

I hear third-hand he's the nicest guy on MSNBC to work with, out of all their regulars.

Politically, crap, mostly for his social conservatism.

Political Guy: Pat Buchanan

not to repeat myself, but here's the andrew wk song, inspired by an exchange between uncle pat & mclaughlin, which i posted over on the other thread. for premier civics geeks.

mclaughlin groove

i find alot of the same stuff that you guys have mentioned endearing too, but gotta give him a crap with no waffles for his xenophobia/implied racism. i've heard excerpts from his new audio book, which do sound like motivational cassettes for the uncommited potential aryan parent. if it's really your otherwise swell uncle, you shrug, try to ignore that part maybe (or agree to disagree) & enjoy his otherwise good nature.

but this guy is not your uncle. & he's all over tv.

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