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Foods You Hate

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:25 pm
by XBangyrdead_Archive
The inedible are as follows:

sourkraut (sp?)
pimento cheese
miracle whip
licourice (fuck i can't spell)
swiss cheese
bleu cheese
stuffing (a la thanksgiving - hate the shit)
brussel sprouts
raw oysters
blue crab
soy sauce

*the only thing that saves spam from making the list is my mothers' supreme ability to make a killer spam casserole. you would never fucking believe how good it is.

Foods You Hate

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 10:09 pm
by newcopcar_Archive
I've never actually tasted cabbage, but its smell has always made my stomach turn.

Foods You Hate

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 10:25 pm
by geiginni_Archive
I like all that stuff....except Miracle Whip.

Miracle Whip is fucking disgusting.

I want to understand how that could be preferable to real mayonaise.

Foods You Hate

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:18 pm
by flyinghouses_Archive
I agree, I cant even eat the reduced fat or any of the mayonase's unless its the regular real mayonase, although I dont eat it that often. I also cant stand bleu cheese or sourcrout, that stuff smells like a rotting flesh or something of that nature. Also another cheese that is absolutely repulsive is limburger. It smells identical to an asshole

Foods You Hate

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:27 pm
by Tom_Archive
Olives (but I love olive oil)
Tomatos (yet tomato based sauces -sans ketup- i don't have a problem with)
Mushrooms (nothing redeeming to say here)
Fake fruit juices
Baked Skinless Chicken
Wax Beans
Steamed White Rice

Foods You Hate

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 11:30 pm
by ironyengine_Archive
Marzipan, marzipan, marzipan.

I will try almost anything, and I generally can find something good to say about it. But this shit is completely devoid of palatability.

Foods You Hate

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 3:50 am
by Hiwatt_Archive
XBangyrdead wrote:The inedible are as follows:

olives-Black I can eat. Green olives are fucking jive.
sourkraut (sp?)-With you on this.
pimento cheese-Should be OK, but isn't.
onions-I love onions
miracle whip-Yeah, WFT?!
licourice (fuck i can't spell)-I like it a little.
swiss cheese-Love it!
bleu cheese-Love it!
sushi-Criminal, fucking nasty.
meatloaf-Good if I make it, otherwise it's not too good.
stuffing (a la thanksgiving - hate the shit)-OK
brussel sprouts-Actually have a recipe I enjoy for these.
raw oysters-NO
blue crab-Yes
lentels-Good recipe for this as well.
soy sauce-Japanese ketchup/catsup

*the only thing that saves spam from making the list is my mothers' supreme ability to make a killer spam casserole. you would never fucking believe how good it is.

Foods You Hate

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:50 am
by clocker bob_Archive
I make every effort to avoid any food containing high-fructose corn syrup. Real sugar in moderation is acceptable. That corn stuff is pure heartburn fuel. The pop companies have denied a whole generation the chance to drink a real Coke. If you're ever in Mexico and drink a Coke, you'll notice a world of difference. And if you get a Jarritos in Chicago, you're getting a pop made with sugar- the only one I know of.

And I avoid all artificial sweeteners.

I like all fruits, vegetables and grains. Some vastly more than others, but none are bad to me.

Foods You Hate

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:05 am
by floog_Archive
cucumber...the one thing i can't take is cucumber...useless food...nothing there...peeled cucumber even worse. death to all cucumber...time to enforce the cucumber elimination policy

Foods You Hate

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:50 am
by Angry_Dragon_Archive
I think most "food" is inedible. I eat rocks with lots and lots of dirt.