Dental Trainwreck

Super Sexytime Rock and Roll
Total votes: 8 (100%)
Brace That Shit, Spaz (No votes)
Total votes: 8

Fetish: Crooked Teeth

I've always been a bit snaggledy-toothed, which for a lot of girls was maybe a turn-off- if they noticed.

I was always a bit neurotic about it, until I figured fuggit...I just had to kinda own it.

Some girls were really into it. Actually, some girls who fetishisized it would fixate on it to a point that could be a bit scary.

Anyways, I knocked a front tooth out a little over a year ago and now, before getting the implant, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get some orthodontia done, since I'm going through the dental college and, because it's cheaper, it's such a long process getting my shit patched up anyway.

So...anyways...accordian teeth- hot or not?
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

Fetish: Crooked Teeth

stewie wrote:This thread is unfair to the Brit members.

I mean...come on, those dudes don't get to be that choosey in the chopper department.

This is, how you say, enduring myth from many years ago...

Now, with double whammy of meth and third world medical system in US of A, teeth of RosBif Tommy British persons look like mouth of movie star, while most Yankee 'Mericans who don't live in, like, big city, have mouth like hillbilly.

I know this, I have two good eyes in my face, I travel, I see....
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Fetish: Crooked Teeth

BadComrade wrote:Even if she hasn't, I think I'd be able to overlook her snaggle tooth

The snaggletooth was the only thing that made her interesting. Even unclad and willing I would be unable to tolerate that yodeling idiot.
Robert Anton Wilson wrote:The totally convinced and the totally stupid have too much in common for the resemblance to be accidental

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