Familiar with the Fender Bandmaster? Cuz I got a weird one.

Just bought this off e-bay, hasn't come yet.
Normally they've got 2 power tubes, this one seems to have 4 of 'em. Didn't worry me at first, these old amps can vary a bit depending on when it was made, but I keep reading about this amp and and keep not finding any reference to a model with 4 6L6s. Nor have I found ANY fender amp with the specific layout of this one. It's model AB763 according to the seller, but that doesn't seem to match what's actually in it.

Was this exclusive to some brief production of them? Or a weird custom job housed in a Bandmaster head? Or what?? Should I worry?

Feeling a little stupid for not looking into this before dropping the $$$, but it never occurred to me that there'd be a totally different amp inside.
Last edited by RabiesAngentleman_Archive on Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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