How important is a band's name?

Not important- it's the music that counts
Total votes: 6 (14%)
Important, but good music can make a bad name better
Total votes: 29 (67%)
Very important- a shitty name can kill a good band
Total votes: 8 (19%)
Total votes: 43

How important is a band s name?

I've started a new band and we're working on a name. I hate this part. It's really hard to do this without stepping on toes, and we're all going to vote for our ideas so it's always a tie. I'm not feeling particularly inspired, as the one's I've come up with have been taken. The singer wants to call it "Mechanical Extremity" but I'm not really into that. My philosophy is that a name should be one that can stand the test of time, encapsulates the sound of the band, or that almost surpasses the band and music in its ubiquitousness.

But does it really fucking matter?

How important is a band s name?

I suppose it's not terribly important - I chose answer 2. But if it matters to you, I would suggest not giving it a name that, upon hearing it, would provide me with a reason to already hate your band. What I mean is, I probably shouldn't be able to already categorize you with some sort of sub-culture (Emo...or God forbid, Juggalo, etc) if you would prefer to remain unattached from them. But if targeting a specific group of music-listeners is your thing, then that works.

Ultimately, if I hear your music, I'll decide if I like it and the name is unimportant. Unless you're Violent Baby Rapists or, I kind of like...I mean, that would be awful.

If you guys are an Emo band, you should consider calling yourselves A Puddle of Sex Juice. Amazing, right? I came up with it just now. I know, don't thank me. You're welcome. I won't charge.

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