Punk Dub Versions

Ok PRF contingent.
I trust and admire each one of you, you know that. I come to you now in a bind. Maybe you can help me out here.
For as long back as I can remember I have enjoyed this punk and indie rock music. My favorite is the punk song or indie rock song that is the dub version. It seems like it was the thing to do at one point, to put this spacey echoed out mix of the song on the B side of the single. Many years I have spent tracking down these old obscure songs which have a dub version. I really enjoy these dubbed out punk and rock songs. To this day many bands will have their record filled with normal rock songs and then somewhere towards the end they put the one spaced out dubby song.
That is the gold I search for.

Now, my problem is after all these years and years of searching and collecting these songs and these types of songs....I think I may have possibly found them all.
I have TONS of this type of stuff and I am coming up against a brick wall in my research lately. It's all stuff I have or have heard.

I turn to you, PRF. Please inform me of some of these types of songs you have heard or enjoy. Maybe there are some I have not heard of yet and will enjoy. Maybe something I hear about here will set me off on a whole new track and I will uncover some lost stash I had not yet heard about.

Thank you in advance, I know you will not let me down.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Punk Dub Versions

there was definitely a short period during which this was popular or done.

it's not that inconceivable that you would have them all.
barring any real low number releases...private, under 100 copies release type shit.

have you looked into german/continental releases?

anyway, i would love to see your collection of these.

panty sniffer.
Derek wrote:Moe Tucker was a Flinstone..

Punk Dub Versions

r0ck1r0ck2 wrote:there was definitely a short period during which this was popular or done.

it's not that inconceivable that you would have them all.
barring any real low number releases...private, under 100 copies release type shit.

have you looked into german/continental releases?

anyway, i would love to see your collection of these.

panty sniffer.

I only dabbled in panty sniffing for a very short period, and I was very young. It's an insult to the men and women in the world who have devoted their lives to perfecting the delicate art of panty sniffing to label me one. I am an admirer of the lifestyle, sure like everyone else but that's as far as it goes.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Punk Dub Versions

r0ck1r0ck2 wrote:fine,

now about that collection you've amassed.

I mean, you can come over and look at my records anytime. I have most of my records on my computer as well, if you are on soulseek you can browse my files if you like. Take whatever you want.

Now let's get onto it here, people.

It dosen't even have to be old stuff, like say...Hoover. They have one dubbed out song on one of their records. I love it, I never listen to anything else by them. Unwound or June of 44 have a couple real dubbed out spaced out songs in their catalog, that kind of stuff. What am I missing? What don't I know about? Point me to those types of tracks.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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