EA Homepage " Welcome"

no, it's bigger.
in fact, if every country in the world was actually some form of marine life, Canada would be the size of a large whale, relatively speaking.
so, in those terms, I can see your confusion. and perhaps why you've misplaced your wallet...

you should've messaged me while you were in town dude. are you still here? wait, did you do another radio fill-in?

EA Homepage " Welcome"

vish wrote:hello,

this is something minor I just noticed:

"Electrical Audio is a two-studio complex located in Chicago, Illinois and owned by Steve Albini."

see, I'm not sure that "and" needs to be in that sentence.


No, it needs the "and." The studio is 1) located in Chicago, and 2) owned by Steve Albini.

The following is awkward, if not grammatically incorrect:

"Electrical Audio is a two-studio complex located in Chicago, Illinois, owned by Steve Albini."

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