Did anyone watch Bob Costas interview President Bush?

scott wrote:yes, I saw it. what was "wow" about it?

Scooter, it is just so great to see the freedom-loving leader of the free world eloquently articulating policy views and visionary goals for the global community whilst pronouncing the names of people and places correctly and liberally infusing His beautiful and scientific rhetoric with morality and faith.

Yeah, Scooter, it was "wow" good.
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Did anyone watch Bob Costas interview President Bush?

as far as Bush interviews go, it was what I would expect. Costas pretty much set him up to answer questions he had worked out answers for, it seemed unscripted (i.e. speaking, not scripted dialogue, though I doubt there's any chance they didn't go over the questions ahead of time), Bush sounded like normal Bush to me, giving standard answers and talking tough-guy. there was a normal-person type slip where he said they were invited to dinner and then corrected himself immediately by saying "lunch"... only thing that sounded weird was one sentence, the second time he said "north korea and iran", I really didn't understand what he was trying to say. he ended by making a joke. I didn't get a "wow" feeling. sorry. :(
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