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Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:16 am
by Yngwie Einstein_Archive
Michael Moore wrote:How disgusting do you have to be to sink lower in the public's eyes than a man who can't even successfully choke himself on a pretzel?

Way to go, Nancy.

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:23 am
by Wood Goblin_Archive
Michael Moore wrote:Trust me, this ain't Sweden. War Hero wins every time.

This is a common but false belief. Kerry, Bob Dole, and Bush Sr. had war hero bona fides that matched or exceeded those of McCain, and all three lost to persons who didn't serve or served only at the margins. (I believe that Carter had a more robust military background than Reagan, but I'm not positive about that.)

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:27 am
by Earwicker_Archive
The democrats can blow it by not talking openly about how the election was literally stolen from them in the last two rounds.
And by not talking about the shenanigans already going on in this round.

The democrats won't talk openly about either

So they may well blow it.

If it's a rerun (and it is likely to be - see ... #more-2056 ) and Obama doesn't challenge it then the rest of you should really give up pretending you are in anything even remotely looking like a democracy.

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:56 am
by RFF_Archive
Wood Goblin wrote:
Michael Moore wrote:Trust me, this ain't Sweden. War Hero wins every time.

This is a common but false belief. Kerry, Bob Dole, and Bush Sr. had war hero bona fides that matched or exceeded those of McCain, and all three lost to persons who didn't serve or served only at the margins. (I believe that Carter had a more robust military background than Reagan, but I'm not positive about that.)

Reagan made military training films and never saw combat during WWII. Carter was an active Naval Officer who spent time on several ships and submarines from 1946 to 1953.

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:43 am
by WyattB_Archive
Or we can blow the election by allowing people to associate our policies with obnoxious loudmouths like Michael Moore.

And I'm with you on the stolen election stuff. I haven't voted since 2000 and I don't plan on voting again until there's some evidence that I live in a democracy, not a country that behaves like a democracy with occasional exceptions.

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:52 am
by sunlore_Archive
WyattB wrote:Or we can blow the election by allowing people to associate our policies with obnoxious loudmouths like Michael Moore.

Denounce me! The candidate Obama, at some point, might be asked this question: "Michael Moore is a supporter of yours and has endorsed you. But in his new book, Mike's Election Guide, he says the following (go ahead and fill in the blank - I've provided a full list of outrageously offensive lines already taken out of context in advance to make it easy for rightwing commentators and Fox News). Will you still accept his endorsement or do you denounce him?"

And he better denounce me or they will tear him to shreds. He had better back away not only from me but from anyone and everyone who veers a bit too far to the left of where his advisers have told him is the sweet spot for all those red state voters.

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:13 pm
by murderedman_Archive
Would this be Obama biting back, or taking the low road?
I like the old-tymie dixieland music they chose.

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:13 pm
by TRIFECTA_Archive

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:45 am
by Dr Geek_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:People on this forum who are still yammering that 'a vote for a third party candidate is a vote for McCain' need to take remedial statistics. A vote for a third party candidate is a +1 vote for that candidate. It is a 0 vote for McCain and a 0 vote for Obama. It is impossible to cast a -1 vote in an election. Dopey sellout liberals can't vote for change, can't quit complaining about third party candidates, can't even figure out simple statistical values.

A lot of people on this forum should read this, with regard to voting for a third party.

Michael Moore: " How The Democrats Can Blow It"

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:03 pm
by connor_Archive
R.F.F. wrote:Reagan made military training films and never saw combat during WWII. Carter was an active Naval Officer who spent time on several ships and submarines from 1946 to 1953.
Don't forget McGovern.

There's a long history of this kind of right-wing chickenhawk/dovish vets paradigm. It's almost as if those who actually SERVE are able to comprehend the horrors of war whereas those who don't think G.I. Joe is really awesome.

Also: H.W. Bush, for-real "war hero." Called a wimp. W. Bush, ducked out of Vietnam via the Air National Guard. Checked "no" when asked "Will you volunteer for foreign service?" Considered a "badass warrior" by all the Hannitys, Liddys, O'Reillys.