T. Boone Pickens

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Total votes: 1 (33%)
Total votes: 3

Self-Appointed Savior: T. Boone Pickens

T. Boone Pickens. Billionaire. Career oilman. Huge contributor to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004. Now wants to reshape America's energy infrastructure and make us completely energy independent primarily through wind power and natural gas.


Still making up my mind on this dude. Help me out, PRF. CRAP or NOT CRAP?

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Self-Appointed Savior: T. Boone Pickens

Sock OR Muffin? wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:Huge contributor to Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004.

Fuck this guy in the fucking eyeball.

A totally reprehensible move on his part, for sure, and doesn't exactly speak to him being anything other than a grade-A douche. But does that mean we dismiss his energy plan outright?

I confess, i haven't poured through it all in detail yet, but i've got the general idea.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Self-Appointed Savior: T. Boone Pickens

I could be wrong about this guy but I think he's on to something with his plan.

I was dubious of the guy due to the Swift Boat stuff and his years as an oil man but after watching him on Larry King he won me over to his argument.

I was on the fence until I heard that Ed Begley Jr. and Bill Nye both support 'the plan.' Ed was on Larry King with Boone and what they said made a lot of sense.

The plan goes something like this: America has an excellent wind corridor through the midwest, Boone proposes to get private funding together to finance the corridor. He states that 20% of America's energy needs would be served by wind. He is also funding solar research and wants to incorporate solar into the plan.

The idea is to use natural gas in place of foreign oil for the next ten years while research is done on fuel cells for cars so that ultimately cars could run on electric.

The goal is to end the dependence on foreign oil. The plan probably has downsides and problems and I'm sure he'll profit and build his 'legacy' but when Ed Begley is going for it, I'm inclined to believe he's onto something as Ed's been at this since the early seventies.

I hope someone else that is more educated chimes in on this because I'm just now getting into this issue. I really don't know much more than what I saw on Larry King and the stuff I read on his forum.

Self-Appointed Savior: T. Boone Pickens

I think the difference with Boone is that he can actually get it done because of his connections, his wealth and the desire to do it. I know that he has met with Warren Buffett and other heavy hitters to get investor capital on the wind corridor. He looks to have the infrastructure and the know-how to actually implement this relatively quickly and actually make it work.

Since he's an ex-oilman with dubious Republican ties he can also get those people interested. I know that a lot of people that would not have been receptive to alternative energy are listening to him because of who he is and what he represents. We'll need bipartisan approval to make alt energy work and thrive otherwise it won't get through congress and it will remain business as usual with oil.

He may be an asshole but his plan could work.

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