Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

Anyone want to sell theirs to me?

I attended the fantastic T&G Anniversary's Saturday show and greatly admired this poster. I didn't buy one for the most pragmatic of reasons: I didn't want to carry around a poster tube all day. And of course they were sold out by early afternoon or so. Such is life.

(Earlier This Week)
I have several framed, un-hung Frank Kozik posters sitting in my basement. They're fine posters but I apparently don't enjoy them enough to hang them up in my house. Thinking I could maybe sell them on ebay, I was cruising the site to get a ballpark figure of what they might be worth. One thing led to another and I ended up checking out Jay Ryan posters, one of which was the 25th poster being sold by Jay himself. "Redemption!", I thought. It sold for just over $100, and I would have most likely bid on it if I weren't a jackass without a watch.

(The Pitch)
The Touch & Go Anniversary show was one of my all time favorite, maybe even the top o' the heap. I think that decorating my house with cool posters from decent shows, or shows I never even attended is silly when there's a possibility I could decorate my house with a great poster from a great show that I actually witnessed first hand. That is well worth $100 to me.

I have no idea how often these posters show up on ebay, or how much they usually sell for. Perhaps the price was inflated because this one came from Jay himself. Regardless, I'd like to offer $100 for one in great condition. "Like new" condition would be preferred. While I understand the reluctance of anyone to part with their poster, I extend the offer anyway. It's worth a shot. $100. Or some Frank Kozik posters.

Thanks for reading this far, and please refrain from calling me an idiot for not buying one when I had the chance. "You snooze, you lose." Yes, I snoozed and I losed. Idiot.
A little chi kung up the Ch'ueng Mo O))

Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

sorry, dude.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
as a bit of explanation, we moved the print shop within the last year and located a handful of long-sold-out prints which people ask for regularly. since i'm a bit tight right now, and since we need the drawer space in the flat files, we're posting these up on the ebays. thus the T&G print, which someone committed to buying but never paid for, back when it came out. there are more being posted now, though i don't have any more of those T&G prints.

if you have some koziks to trade, i suggest you check out a collector-nerd website: www.expressobeans.com
"I'm not much for screechin' about elves"

Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

DrAwkward wrote:Mine is still sitting in a tube because i've never been able to frame it. Someday i will find someone willing to frame a 40x22 print for me for cheap. Someday.

That sounds like a really stressful situation, sitting on a poster like that and dreaming of the day when a cheap framer will be found. I don't know how you deal with the weight of something like that. I mean, it'd be kinda nice to hurl off those shackles and just, you know, start livin'.

A little chi kung up the Ch'ueng Mo O))

Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

Wheely wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:Mine is still sitting in a tube because i've never been able to frame it. Someday i will find someone willing to frame a 40x22 print for me for cheap. Someday.

That sounds like a really stressful situation, sitting on a poster like that and dreaming of the day when a cheap framer will be found. I don't know how you deal with the weight of something like that. I mean, it'd be kinda nice to hurl off those shackles and just, you know, start livin'.


Hell, I worked at T&G with Jay Ryan and I didn't get a poster... Maybe you should sell it to me for $101?
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

If you're waiting on a cheap framer, you better marry someone who owns a frame shop. I've never even heard of quality framing done cheaply.

I just got a pretty nice Bern Hill poster from the 1940s framed. It's around 4'x3' and the frame job, while admittedly of incredibly high quality, cost nearly twice as much as the poster and that ain't cheap. When he gave me the quote, I tried to play it cool but I'm sure he heard the sound of my sphincter spasm from across the room.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Jay Ryan s Touch & Go 25th Anniversary Poster

stackmatic wrote:Don't forget about the Kathleen Judge companion piece:


Right. Great, another $101 I need to spend.

By the by, Mr. Stack, Rob S. recently brought down (to Chicago) to me (Rob A.) two different Shellac show posters -- great stuff, sir.

The Laverne and Shirley thing is just awesome!
Acura Commercial wrote:Sometimes, luxury needs to howl at the moon.

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