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another stupid question regarding setting up home recording

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:38 pm
by sonikBOOM_Archive
ok sorry for this one..
before i had my krk monitors i had a set of shit media speakers.
alas they are gone and the krk's are in effect. the old media speakers had a volume which was nice. the krk's dont so i bought a sm audio nanopatch in line passive volume to act as one. works great.
now my problem is this.
before in audition when i wanted to record acoustic stuff in the room i was some how able to turn off or turn down my monitors all the way and use headphones from my mixer, i could hear the track i was playing to in the phones and also what i was currently playing no problem. something has changed.
i no longer can acomplish this. i have tried tons of settings in audition for monitoring, fucked around with my delta44 cards ins and outs to no avail.
i dont remember how i had it set up all i know is that it worked and now it doesnt.

on my shit behringer mixer im running the tape outs to my delta44 1/2 ins, i am running my krks right out of the deltas 1/2 outs and i have the delta's 3/4 outs back to my tape in's on my mixer. what worked before no longer does , i used to just have to turn my monitors off or way down and hit the 'tape out to mix' button and i could do it all in the cans.
WTF happend and why cant i get it to work this way again?!

please ask anything you need to know ill do my best to answer

sorry for this stupidity

another stupid question regarding setting up home recording

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:46 pm
by sonikBOOM_Archive
i guess i initially stumbled across a work around but cant get it to work again.

now, would an alt 3/4 mixer work how i want it? i suppose this behringer pos isnt made to both send and receive at the same time. so perhaps a mackie with alt 3/4? basicly i want to be able to use the monitors to listen when im doing direct/or electronic stuff that i dont have to mic, and turn them off flick a switch and be able to record acoustic stuff without feeding back like a banshee.
cuz as it now stands after i record the initial track i am unable to over dub and hear the initial track
if that makes sense.

another stupid question regarding setting up home recording

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:25 pm
by MrWarandieBoy_Archive
i imagine that you used to send all of your signals to outputs 3/4 and used the monitor mixer on outputs 1/2. this is similar to what i do with my delta 1010s.

another stupid question regarding setting up home recording

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:35 pm
by sonikBOOM_Archive
yea it might have been . ill try it in a bit i have a tension headache lol and my ears hurt from digital feed back.