This song is:

Pretty good
Total votes: 1 (20%)
Not so good
Total votes: 4 (80%)
Total votes: 5

C-NC: This Song

Not that it matters to the quality of the song, but when I saw them live the girl playing guitar plays an aluminum kramer into a tiny little marshall amp that hooks on her belt, which she then mics up like you'd mic up an acoustic guitar without a pickup, it's all reverbed and echoed out so when she sways around the guitar fades in and out.
Sounded pretty crazy live, I liked it.

I can see where everyone would hate the song, I did too. But it grew on me for some reason. Now I can't get it out of my head.
I just found out that weirdo Antony dude is singing on it.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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