Is that song C or N/C?
Forget who's involved, just take the song for what it is.
I used to not like this record so much, but have really been getting it the last few days.
Whatcha think?
here's another by them I kinda dig
C-NC: This Song
2I didn't know you liked so much eunuch-rock, dude.
[is afraid]
[is afraid]
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.
C-NC: This Song
4Wood Goblin wrote:That song is absolutely fucking awful.
I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.
C-NC: This Song
5Single note droning. Nails on a chalkboard.
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.
C-NC: This Song
8Not that it matters to the quality of the song, but when I saw them live the girl playing guitar plays an aluminum kramer into a tiny little marshall amp that hooks on her belt, which she then mics up like you'd mic up an acoustic guitar without a pickup, it's all reverbed and echoed out so when she sways around the guitar fades in and out.
Sounded pretty crazy live, I liked it.
I can see where everyone would hate the song, I did too. But it grew on me for some reason. Now I can't get it out of my head.
I just found out that weirdo Antony dude is singing on it.
Sounded pretty crazy live, I liked it.
I can see where everyone would hate the song, I did too. But it grew on me for some reason. Now I can't get it out of my head.
I just found out that weirdo Antony dude is singing on it.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
C-NC: This Song
9This song has nothing tricky about it
This song ain't black or white and as far as I know
Don't infringe on anyone's copyright, so . . .
This song ain't black or white and as far as I know
Don't infringe on anyone's copyright, so . . .
Wait... = My acoustic songwriting.
Marsupialized wrote:A male playing an acoustic guitar.
Come on.