EA Usergroups

Look up there.

FAQ, Search, Memberlist, Usergroups....wait, what's that?

Hmm, it seems to have been left nearly untouched.

You may see a barren wasteland. 'Come on, let's go there's nothing here'
I see it as a very much underutilized section with vast potential for growth. Prime real estate.
You see what is, I see what can be. If completely submitting to my dark lord Obama has taught me anything, it's taught me hope. Hope for a brighter future. It's taught me the power of dreams.

Basically I am asking you all to dream with me. Close your eyes and Imagine. Hope.

I hear some snickering in the crowd. That's fine. That's good, you are skeptical. I was hoping you would be. I am not looking for blind followers. I have no use for those types. I gathered you all here today for a reason. i am looking for ideas. Big ideas. Exciting ideas. The kind that come from leaders, not followers.

Let me just take a wild guess here. I'll just throw something out here, stop me if I'm way off base. I'm not gonna be, but hear me out here. Humor me.

Now knowing what I know about the people in this room I'd say we have a lot of what I like to refer to as idea men in attendance. Problem solvers.
I'll also go out on a limb and assume a lot of you have been asked for your ideas or solutions by the powers at be, only to be told you are 'nuts' or 'crazy' or your ideas are 'out there' or 'unfeasible'

You hand them gold and they complain it's not shit.

Yeah, me too. Me too. Been there.

I did it for longer than I care to admit. Tried to climb that ladder. Higher and higher.
Wanna know what? I kept climbing and climbing till one day I could see the top. It was within my grasp. I got a clear look at the top and you know what I saw?
Were the streets paved with gold? Was it paradise?
No, what I saw was a lonely old man sitting at the top who was nowhere near half the man I am. He saw me and he looked terrified. He was weak and shivering. Pathetic.
I was angry. How could this man, this feeble man have gotten to the top of this ladder? I have struggled for years to get here and this who's been up here this entire time? My first reaction was to destroy this man and take my rightful place. Then I stopped. Something stopped me.
It was then I realized that it was the climb that did this man in. He was once like me. Strong willed, ready to conquer the world.
He did make it, but look what it took out of him. There's nothing left but to wait for the next guy to climb up and put you out of your misery. You are a lonely, sad, shell of a man.

I jumped right off that ladder, ran home and never looked back. That's exactly what I did.

So, I'm sure you all did not come here to hear my life story, as interesting and inspirational as it may be...
Let me get to the business at hand.

EA Usergroups.

Everyone likes to run with a crowd. Even the strongest among us need a crowd to lead. It's a deep desire within every single human being. To be part of the group. To be accepted. People don't join street gangs for the health benefits, you dig?

I ask of you ideas.

What would some of the Usergroups here be?

Think of this like 'The Warriors'

We obviously have leaders and followers here. We have tension, we have competition. We also have the dark flip side, strife and fighting.

Put me together some EA Usergroups.

I need a name. I need the leader and I need members.

Some of you might go so far as to create a logo or slogan for the group.

I am not here to hold your hands or guide you any further than I already have. Let your creativity shine. Nobody will call you 'nuts' or 'crazy' here. Nothing is unfeasible.

That's the pitch. Let's see some results.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

EA Usergroups

I sort of understand what he means here. He's saying if there were hypothetical castes or cliques here, what would they be? An obvious group -

Vockins (Leader)
Venkman, Dr.
Webb, Ty

All headstrong, no nonsense sort of people but Vockins strikes me as the type who would execute his own troops if the need arose. Even if he'd pulled them up by their own sorry shoe-strings from green cadets to fire-bellied veterans.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

EA Usergroups

tommydski wrote:I sort of understand what he means here. He's saying if there were hypothetical castes or cliques here, what would they be? An obvious group -

Vockins (Leader)
Venkman, Dr.
Webb, Ty

All headstrong, no nonsense sort of people but Vockins strikes me as the type who would execute his own troops if the need arose. Even if he'd pulled them up by their own sorry shoe-strings from green cadets to fire-bellied veterans.
Pretty sure Venkman is a Mets fan and pwalshj doesn't care.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

EA Usergroups

tommydski wrote:I sort of understand what he means here. He's saying if there were hypothetical castes or cliques here, what would they be? An obvious group -

Vockins (Leader)
Venkman, Dr.
Webb, Ty

All headstrong, no nonsense sort of people but Vockins strikes me as the type who would execute his own troops if the need arose. Even if he'd pulled them up by their own sorry shoe-strings from green cadets to fire-bellied veterans.

Send address. You're on the xmas card list.

EA Usergroups

Chicago Lifers

Open only to those who were born here, went thru K-12 and still live within the city limits. Suburbanites do not qualify, even those from border communities. Having lived elsewhere for a few years at college is acceptable. How cliquish is that?


Beer Snobs

Health Care Workers

Upright Bassists

Last edited by unsaved_Archive on Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.

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