
crap city
Total votes: 1 (17%)
not crap city
Total votes: 5 (83%)
Total votes: 6

" cool city:" portland, oregon

horsewhip wrote:Great friends, good food, good bands, and the highest titty-bars-per-capita in the U.S.


too funny. i was just talking about this town with a friend recently, and i mentioned to him how i had heard it's the most lesbian-heavy town in the US. we went on and on, debating the plusses and minuses of how this would impact us as heterosexual males (and sure, self-centered pieces of shit, in the context of this non-serious conversation) and came to the conclusion that losing girlfriend after girlfriend to "the other team" would probably make it tough.

fwiw, that's been my go-to city for years now, and i've never even been there. but for some weird reason, that's always been the town i thought i would move to if i ever ventured out west. no idea why. maybe it was cause i like the blazers. hell if i know.

is there even a shred of truth to that stereotype, that it's one of the most if not the most lesbian towns in the US? not that it matters at all, other than sheer curiosity.
LVP wrote:If, say, 10% of lions tried to kill gazelles, compared with 10% of savannah animals in general, I think that gazelle would be a lousy racist jerk.

" cool city:" portland, oregon

toomanyhelicopters wrote:is there even a shred of truth to that stereotype, that it's one of the most if not the most lesbian towns in the US? not that it matters at all, other than sheer curiosity.

I've never really knowingly hung out with lesbians in Portland, but I don't doubt there's a ton of them. I'm going to be down there for a week in January recording an album with my shitty band. I'll let you know how many I run into.
Police Teeth: we like Void so much, we decided not to sound like them.

" cool city:" portland, oregon

Portland has fake lesbians. Don't worry heterosexual males; they are still up for grabs if only:

-You are overtly manly
-You are overtly girly

The only reasons why I like Portland: (we're talking about Portland, Oregon, right?)

-Best coffee in the USA
-The fact that if you are not self-aware and just a teeny bit intimidating, you and Jim Goad own an entire fucking city.

It's fun on the short-term.
drink juice, avoid disease

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