When Will You Die?

Wednesday, January 28, 2026.
Wow, 51 doesn't seem so far away anymore.

I had a high school english teacher who kept a high four-digit number on the chalkboard. It wasn't until the middle of the term someone noticed that every day it was one less. When asked he simply told us that was how many days he had to live.

see all you obese sadists in Purgatory-

When Will You Die?

Sunday, December 8, 2041 -- 58 YEARS OLD!!???!?!?

why the hell should i die before steve!?
i'm not even 21 yet! and i don't even DO anything.

i'm just a bit pesimistic is all.
i'd get an extra 16 years if i wasn't so damn pesimistic.

oh great, i just checked again and now it's Wednesday, December 22, 2032

all this worrying is killing me at an excruciatingly alarming rate.

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