Beta Band?

Total votes: 8 (35%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 15 (65%)
Total votes: 23

Band: The Beta Band

I think this deserves another chance. I know this band has been almost totally forgotten (and they only split up last year) but really, the 3 EP's compilation from 1998 is one of the great albums of the 90s. Totally original and unique. Unfortunately, and perhaps inevitably, everything they did afterwards couldn't match it, but for their first three 12"s they deserve to be remembered.

Band: The Beta Band

Someone's already tried, but I'll attempt one more bump.

Everytime I think I have this band figured out, they surprise me. I just watched a DVD about them, and I think the reason they never made it big is because they are a whole package. Here's what I've concluded:
-The live show was pretty damn cool. They gave a shit.
-The video stuff they did was budget level and really interesting in an "too much acid" way.
-They somehow blended psychedelia, beats, and folk without it sounding awful. Seemingly a recipe for disaster, but they did pulled it off.

Sometimes there's a sameiness that creeps in, but I find this band to be really unique. They used melodicas and that rules.

My guess is that people didn't know what to do with them. Too interesting to remain underground, yet too left field to make it big, even though they got a support slot with Radiohead.

I think history might be kind to these guys.


Band: The Beta Band

This band has done some monstrous shit. But actually, they've also done a few really good bits. Kind of a shit jam band, but the early stuff has good moments. The three Eps is good. Therefore NOT CRAP.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


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