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Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:58 am
by wiggins_Archive
Buffalo 66.

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 8:23 am
by Niko_Archive
A better film would be hard to find. In many films, even fairly good ones, there can be aspects (songs on the soundtrack, cinematography, bits of dialogue etc.) that I don't like. These things can stick out and prevent me from really enjoying a film. Buffalo 66 on the other hand is magnificent through and through.


I can't wait to see The Brown Bunny

Long live The Gallo

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:52 pm
by pelin_Archive
honey bunny my baby girlfriend.... vincent rules

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:17 pm
by mattw_Archive
I loved Buffalo 66, but it's not hard to see why some people would have a problem with Brown Bunny

From a purely aesthetic point of view, Bunny was great. It's probably one of the best 'I'm so lonely and depressed, I'm going to take me a camera and film my road trip' movies of all time.

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:26 pm
by nc_Archive
Crap. Should have been called "I Like Myself By Vincent Gallo".

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:43 pm
by wes9_Archive
I love this movie. I liked The Brown Bunny too, though it had some serious faults. I also love "When." I feel Gallo is very sincere in an odd way which I feel compelled by.

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:48 pm
by Chapter Two_Archive
Inspired by Wes 9's comment on the Julien Donkey Boy thread, I watched this again tonight for the first time since seeing it at the cinema when it came out.

It's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Christina Ricci is just so ridiculously sweet in it, and she does a fucking tap dance to King Crimson. It's really funny in parts and really cold and harsh in parts. The parents scene jars a bit, they seem too much like caricatures to me. Inspired use of Jan Michael Vincent as the bowling alley fella. I love the way the memories and fantasy scenes come in from the centre of the screen.

This is a great film.

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:00 pm
by simmo_Archive
This film is great. Yes Gallo is a narcissist. So are a lot of people. Yes his lead character is a solipsistic asshole for the most part. So's, I dunno, every Hemmingway lead character. All I'm trying to say is that there are many gripes that can justifiably be had with this film, but it doesn't change the fact that it's beautifully shot, wonderfully edited, superbly acted and delciately constructed.

So there.

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:58 pm
by Chromodynamic_Archive
For me this film falls into the category of: "This movie was great; I'll never watch it again."

Film: Buffalo 66

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:22 pm
by Eierdiebe
off the top of my misshapen noggin, here are the things that i dislike about Buffalo '66:

-the pseudo profound part at the beginning wherein the screen fills up with countless images from his prison life. this just feels very pretentious to me.

-the "get your face out of my pants"/"but it's so big"/"you fucking faggot" scene in the restroom of the dance studio. this is pure predictable indie film narcissism, and without a doubt the worst scene in the film.

-the part, at the dinner table, in which Ricci goes on and on about how handsome Billy is. (Gallo later admited this wasn't such a hot idea.)

-the Mickey Rourke cameo. yeah, this guy is menacing, but he's not a very good actor (imho) and when he says, "can you turn up the heat in here" it just sounds silly-in-a-bad-way.

-the part where Ricci asks, "which house is it?" and gallo points and it cuts to a pigeon landing on the roof. again, this smacks of psuedo-profundity for the sake of it.

here are the things that i like about Buffalo '66:

-Ben Gazzara

- everything not on the first list.

i think Buffalo '66 is a pretty good movie on the whole.