get radical
1is rock music dangerous? will it ever again threaten any sort of status quo? my first show that i ever attended was iggy at the hollywood palladium (1990) and from that point on i immersed myself in a self-imposed form of elitism. i wanted my rock to be fast, sexy, and most importantly, very threatening. i became enthralled by the prospect of neubauten engulfing their stage in flames. will that happen again? i wonder. with data transmission verging on the terabyte domain, i believe the mysticism of rock has been extinguished. but do you say fuck 'my space' and do you say 'down with the forums' or do you embrace the new paradigm? and if m. manson did side with w. bush in 2000 for the reason of cultivating an invigorating, confrontational artistic response, then why is there no burgeoning hardcore scene in gaza (or israel for that matter)?