Are the Cubs cursed?

Total votes: 6 (50%)
Total votes: 6 (50%)
Total votes: 12

Are the Cubs cursed?

over the last fifteen years, the white sox finished seasons with a better won/loss pct. than the cubs' about 2/3 of the time

and they have made the playoffs more often

and recently they had one genuinely great season which ended quite badly when they were swept by the mariners

they haven't been to the WS for forty-some years, and they haven't won since before the black sox scandal

while their fans are too fatalistic for my taste, i don't hear them talkin' about curses much

the cubs are run like a theme park attraction--i hope for all you cub fans out there that this fact changes. when they have potential, they fail to capitalize on it completely, but you need more than one year every ten to get all the way there (unless you're the angels).

Are the Cubs cursed?

and they [white sox] haven't won since before the black sox scandal

True. They also haven't won the WS since the Red Sox last won.
I think the White Sox are more cursed. The Cubs are cursed through the White Sox. They were after all, called the "White Stockings" once.
Greg Norman FG

Are the Cubs cursed?


Well, I'm here in sunny Miami, and let me tell you something, I'm glad they are. We are ONCE AGAIN in the World Series. Ohhhh, how good it feels. I wish I could explain it to you people...but I don't have time, I got to go get my tickets understand.

I'll tell you something else, it's pretty fucking amazing, how we hang in there, it really is.


If they had only let that damn goat in. :D

Are the Cubs cursed?

Can someone please explain how it is anything but skill that the Marlins are "hanging in there" - I don't follow the game that much, but I suspect that the (somewhat) recent corrupting by economic transfusion has more to do with it than sheer playing quality.

They have stupid uniforms, too.

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