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Switchcraft Vs Neutrik
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:52 pm
by sonicsaboteur_Archive
What do you prefer between Switchcraft and Neutrik?
Switchcraft Vs Neutrik
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:30 pm
by electronaut_Archive
Neutrik wins.
Not to mention Neutrik headquarters are in Liechtenstein, which is the only European country who managed to stay out of both world wars and avoid being conquered by the Nazis. How the hell did they do that?
Switchcraft Vs Neutrik
Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:00 pm
by lehabs_Archive
I like both. I really like the more modern look and innovations of Neutrik, but there's still something about that 'click' you get with a good ol USA made Switchcraft that you know you're connected.
You just can't F*** with a MilSpec part....
Switchcraft Vs Neutrik
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:49 am
by Jeremy_Archive
I find myself having to repair less Neutrik connectors than Switchcraft. Between band's yanking on things (cables, mics, various genitalia) and regular wear and tear of studio cable, Switchcraft, however cheaper (in price), needs replacing more often.
On the other hand, Neutrik has been a little bit of a pain to communicate directly with. Switchcraft has much better sales help.