by instant_zen_Archive
I own a number of very marvelous hats, including a brown, short-brimmed corduroy fedora and a white fur pork-pie hat. These I acquired completely by accident. The former was given to me by a friend whose father was going to throw it away! She said, "don' throw it away, Dave will wear it!" And he didn't. And I do. Often.
I acquire much of my clothing in this manner.
As for the latter, I simply found it in my Grandpa's attic, and thought it was cool. He thought it was hideous, so said, "take it."
Other ways in which I have acquired hats have included Goodwill and the Salvation Army (though those are a bit of a game of hit-and-miss). If you're in the Chicago area, there are a billion and a half Antique shops in the area, what with the North Shore folk and all: you'll be able to find SOMETHING in one of those. Also depending on where you are, there's a great mega-goodwill-type-place called Value Village in Racine, Wisconsin (just south of Milwaukee). I'm not sure if they're a chain or not, but I've been up to that one a couple of times, and even if they don't have hats, you're bound to something worth buying (and, to make it even more appealing, every day is "half off day." hot shit.)
Hope that helps.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.