You fat bastard.

And by you, I mean me. AND you. You know who you are. Wipe that fucking mustard off your chin and sit up straight.I ran six marathons between 2001 and 2006.Fuck. Now look at me. No, I'm not the sexy brown one. I'm not the stylish one, either. I'm the fat one sitting down. If you look really closely, you can see that my double chin is actually swinging in time with the music.Bleeaarghh.Please kill me.You got it too. You know who you are. Sitting at a desk all day. Hot Doug's couple times a month. Poutine when you can find it. Pulled pork and many beers. Fucking midnight Parmo. You've been kidding yourself. You're telling yourself you actually like your fat jeans BETTER than those other ones that you don't wear any more. Well, here's the facts: you don't sleep, you eat too much and you don't exercise.I'm not talking to you skinny fucks. You surfing bastard, you burn 2400 calories a day. You can go. You 22 year old chain smoker who could slip and fall in a wine bottle, shut the door behind you as you're leaving. You drum playing monkey boy blessed with the metabolism of a hummingbird, get gone.The rest of you, you know who you are. We're all going to see each other again in October. As Marsupialized has mentioned, we get to hang out with the most attractive women in the world. They're gonna be at the PRFBBQ2.5. You're gonna have to hold your head up while you're standing in line for the restroom with the smoking hot babes of the PRF. How are you even gonna talk to those girls?Those girls, they marry some of us, even. They come to our shows and they listen to our noisy records and they sleep next to us, and they never say anything, but you gotta wonder. My girl married a marathon runner, now she's sleeping next to a fat bastard.Fuck it, I'm-a do something about it.More sleep, more exercise. I'm going to log it in this thread. What are you gonna do?Last night: 8.0 hours of sleep.Hours exercised today: .5 hour run.updated total between right now and the BBQ:total sleep: 8 exercise: .5 hourscurrent weight: 227 lbs.I am hoping that by the time we all get together again for the next bbq, I can look at this thread and say "I got the most sleep and worked out longer than anyone else on the PRF." Who else is in?
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

You fat bastard.

Shit, Aluminum Man. You folks are just too much.I've run the Chicago Marathon a couple of times, both of which frustrated the hell out of me. You train all miserable summer by yourself establishing your pace, then on race day you're packed in with 45,000 other people, most of whom lineup with pace-setting people running far faster than they would ever be able. (In other words, folks who really can't keep up an 8-minute mile pace start the race lined up with 7-minute mile folks.)As far as training regimen, I'd think the 18-mile run would occur 5-6 weeks out from when the marathon itself would happen. So maybe 3rd week of August? AND: I enjoy running but really hate getting up at 4 to get lined up on time. Unfortunately Chicago summers generally preclude midday running. Would it be out of line to attempt an evening run? Start say around 5? I'd say if you couldn't finish within 5 hours it might not be a healthy idea to attempt such a long run.But that also brings up safety and insurance issues. I suppose we'd have to keep Aluminum Man on the down-low PRFBBQ-style. Likewise, volunteers would be required, both for the hosing (ohhhhh, the hosing...) and maybe for a handful of water/gatorade/banana pit stop places.

You fat bastard.

I've been back on my bike after a foot injury for about 3 or 4 months now. I feel loads better than I did through the winter. I think I need to do some strengthening work as well as bike and a bit of running. I used to do a 10 minutes pilates DVD that was quite good. I noticed that there's a pilates hour long class locally, anyone any experience of a Pilates class? Does it hurt a lot? It's either that or a beer garden if the weather improves.
dude, where's my life?

You fat bastard.

B\_M\_L wrote:I would never deny myself an extra helping of pasta or a buttery bacon sarnie or a pint.I'm not dissing people who do - just saying maybe it's better for your mental wellbeing just to forget about your weight and have some fun doing stuff - run, bike, walk, shag. I have known people who become monks and eat very little when training very hard. They become entrenched in their own routine and focus on how they look, checking themselves on scales morning, noon, night. Not fun people to be around.You've got to have a balance. What works for one person doesn't necessarily work for someone else. As I've got older, not doing too much of one thing and mixing up exercises and cutting out shit food works for me. Hmm, bacon butty for lunch.
dude, where's my life?

You fat bastard.

Alright, you whiney girls, I'm in.I'm only about 10 over, but that last 10 is the hardest. I've done it before. How? I went to the gym three days a week for over two years before I lost even one pound. I felt better, but like, whatevuuurrrrrr. Dude wanted to be trim.Who the hell knows how this stuff works, but my theory is this: I added stretching and everything changed. Maybe it was just time, after two years, and some metabolic shifting occurred. Employing Occam's Razor though, I credit the stretching. I don't know how yoga works, but stuff along those lines. Using your own limbs as weights.And taking it easy on the beers, but not eliminating them.Really though, I think you can eat most of things you want as long as you don't go nuts and get some exercise. The thing is, I met a nice young lady and I'd rather hang out with her than exercise, so a lot of this good work has come undone. Cardio means getting up and going to the gym. It's freakin' nice gym! Not some musclehead joint. Suburban moms and fit old people. You could eat off of any surface. However, I need to GO there. I think that's the problem. I've decided that I have to bring this all home, literally.So I'm going to get back in shape by suspending my gym membership, silly as that sounds. I'm moving in two weeks to a flatter part of town. I will have more space, so I'm going to pick up one of those inflatable balls and a mat. I hate running, but I can do that right out the front door. Where I live now is really steep so I don't bother. The essential stretching will be an almost daily thing.And I'll pretty much eat what I want, within reason, so this doesn't suck.I'll tell you though, when I was in top form, I wasn't as hungry because my gut was tight. It's a non-vicious circle.I'm about 184 now. I'll be satisfied at 175.Let's do this!-A
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

You fat bastard.

Sox wrote:Weight related observation:Poor people are fatties.My closest friends and I are all the worst kinds of poor, and a quick look into our fridges reveals nothing but the cheapest, crappiest food that money can buy. I believe this is when PRF'ers say this.People bitch about what good food costs, but the fact is, we're spoiled and think that because you can buy cheap, shitty food that the good stuff is expensive. Not so. Expensive food costs what it always has, because 50 years ago all food was local, organic and without corn syrup. It's not that good food is expensive, it's that crappy stuff that resembles food is temptingly cheap.I get asked all the time why I buy most of my food at Whole Foods and all I can think of is why the hell wouldn't I? It's my body we're talking about here. Why on earth would I want to eat meat that was pumped full of hormones or eat vegetables that had god knows what sprayed on them? For about 10% more I eat food I trust unless I'm eating out.So yeah, eat better and that will certainly help improve your health. -A
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

You fat bastard.

Yeah... Sometimes it just takes seeing that one particular photograph of yourself to make you throw up in your mouth a little and say Fuck - so much worse than I even imagine.Right now, for me, it's this particular photo:Scale right this exact second sez 288.5 lbs. Time to bring that shit DOWN.(Thank you for starting this thread.)
My mind, it's a terrible diskette.

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