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GML, Hardy, Prism Sound, DW Fearn, Great River: MIC PRE S

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:28 pm
by jhankins_Archive
I would greatly appreciate your user comments on the following microphone preamps. If you have A/B’d any of the preamps against one another I would especially enjoy hearing those your opinion!

(The clean guys)
Avalon 2022
DW Fearn VT-2
Prism Sound maselec MMA-4
GML 8304
John Hardy M-2
John Hardy 990 Twin Servo

(Flavorful guys)
Wunder PEQ1
Great River MP-2NC

(also can anyone provide information on Mastering Labs Mic Pres? Are they still in production? Web address? Where to purchase?)

Your comments are appreciated as I'm about to purchase some mic pre's which I hope to enjoy for many years!

Thank you

GML, Hardy, Prism Sound, DW Fearn, Great River: MIC PRE S

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 2:40 pm
by unarmedman_Archive
jhankins wrote:I would greatly appreciate your user comments on the following microphone preamps.

yeah - can you buy me one of each?

seriously, i'm curious about the great river myself.
sorry for the worthless response-

GML, Hardy, Prism Sound, DW Fearn, Great River: MIC PRE S

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:41 pm
by elisha wiesner_Archive
[/quote](also can anyone provide information on Mastering Labs Mic Pres? Are they still in production? Web address? Where to purchase?)

the mastering lab mic pre is no longer in production. they sold the last one last summer. it was designed by my friend stephen and he can answer any questions you have about it. his email is:


GML, Hardy, Prism Sound, DW Fearn, Great River: MIC PRE S

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:42 pm
by elisha wiesner_Archive
it seems once again i have fucked up this quote thing.