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For free: Things.
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:00 pm
by johnnyshape_Archive
That was great.
For free: Things.
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 7:00 pm
by Justin Foley_Archive
This is the free shit, come and get it thread.\_\_\_\_All right, jerks. I tried to sell some of this stuff to you but you were too smart to pay money for it. You've left me no option. \_\_\_Steinberg Cubase VST for Windows (circa 2001)Hey, it's that vintage version of Cubase VST that all the kids are going nuts over!Ahem:Lousy fucking DAW program. If you want this for some reason (probably to rescue old files or to give as a prank gift), whatever. Fully purchased disk (probably for $350 - an investment that hasn't exactly held its value). Includes serial #, manuals and the fucking 'dongle' that you need to run it.\_\_\_No Name, Homemade Bass CabinetOh God, this thing. I bought it from a very nice guy off CL about 3 years ago only for the EV 15 it had. (I took that out and it's not included.) What's left is a ... uh ... charming? ... sorta specimen of a bass cabinet. Still has the 10 driver in it (though there's no internal crossover). Has some sort of damping carpet stuff all through the interior, quasi-astroturf tolexing on the exterior. A recessed handle! Some casters. Let's not talk about the grill, okay? So, yeah, this thing was his labor of love - I don't recall it sounding good AT ALL but maybe you like this kind of thing or need to scavenge some bits off it like I did.UPDATE! UPDATE! Someone asked me if they could possibly use this with a green screen, perching on top of it like Superman, tying a rope to part of it and get filmed being pulled across a camera frame, all as a way to make a movie about how they are flying. The answer is: YES.(also would be good for one fun, crazy trip down a hill)\_\_\_Marantz Model 250Two channel power amp. ONE CHANNEL DOES NOT WORK. I don't know why, but when I took it to a hi-fi repair place about 5 years ago the guy behind the counter was like uh, that's not an easy fix. The other channel sounds great if I recall. Cosmetically a little rough but if you really think you can do something with this, I'll hit it with some Brasso before you show up. \_\_\_\_ You have to pick this stuff up in Astoria if you want any of it. No, Eliya, I will not ship this stuff to your cousin in Israel, even if you spring for the shipping!I want it gone. You want it. Let's make it happen.PRICES FIRM. I WILL NOT PAY YOU TO TAKE ANY OF THIS.= JustinPS - Excuse me while I'm driving my goddam Mustang or Ferrari but wait a second. No one wanted any of this for cut-rate prices. Why are you wasting people's time trying to give it to them. Give it up.Hey Steve McQueen! What the fuck are you doing in my post? I don't want to just throw stuff in the trash. Go back to ... whatever, driving cars fast and making out with dames or being the coolest guy on the block and leave me to try and get rid of this stuff in peace, all right?STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT.
For free: Things.
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:00 pm
by barndog_Archive
Chicagoland Sports fans: I have two tickets to tonight's preseason game between your Chicago Bulls and the Indiana Pacers. Final game before regular season. I can email the tickets - you print them out. Tipoff 7:00pm CST. PM email address if you want them - decent seats 300 level mid court.
For free: Things.
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:00 pm
by Bill Swansea_Archive
LBx wrote:5' X 3' Sugar ~ Beaster "subway size" promo poster. Laminated with an aprox 1/4'' border all around. Shipping tube and cost is on you though. --> Image. Pin this up wherever and pretend that LoudBomb doesn't exist.That'd look real good on my accommodation wall next year. I'm willing to pay for shipping and that, PM how much it'd be.
For free: Things.
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:00 pm
by LBx_Archive
Will do asap. Certainly by Saturday...
For free: Things.
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:00 pm
by LBx_Archive
This is the free shit mofo's!5' X 3' Sugar ~ Beaster subway size promo poster. Laminated with an aprox 1/4'' border all around. Shipping tube and cost is on you though. --> Image. Pin this up wherever and pretend that LoudBomb doesn't exist.--- --- ---Digital Performer 4 for Mac. (for use with version 10.2 to--> 10.?)includes: install disc, extras disc, 4.1 update (cdr), Getting Started Guide, full 900+ page User Guide and (legal) Key Code for *registration and support.*register for update to DP 7 at a discounted price. probably/maybe the best idea.Again, shipping is on you. May be a bit due to the weight of the guide.
For free: Things.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:00 pm
by Bill Swansea_Archive
rappard wrote:Bill Swansea wrote:LBx wrote:5' X 3' Sugar ~ Beaster "subway size" promo poster. Laminated with an aprox 1/4'' border all around. Shipping tube and cost is on you though. --> Image. Pin this up wherever and pretend that LoudBomb doesn't exist.That'd look real good on my accommodation wall next year. I'm willing to pay for shipping and that, PM how much it'd be.Fucking hell - so this is what I get for comparing you to James May? Karma's a bitch, I tell you.Yep. I curse any one who compares me to James May. Also it helps to check EA once every minute because you have no life. You get lots of free stuff!
For free: Things.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:00 pm
by burun_Archive
I have some Mosquito Dunks.If you know what they are, and you need a couple, PM me.
For free: Things.
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:00 pm
by rappard_Archive
Bill Swansea wrote:LBx wrote:5' X 3' Sugar ~ Beaster "subway size" promo poster. Laminated with an aprox 1/4'' border all around. Shipping tube and cost is on you though. --> Image. Pin this up wherever and pretend that LoudBomb doesn't exist.That'd look real good on my accommodation wall next year. I'm willing to pay for shipping and that, PM how much it'd be.Fucking hell - so this is what I get for comparing you to James May? Karma's a bitch, I tell you.
For free: Things.
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:00 pm
by Model Citizen_Archive
MrFood wrote:2GB RAM going for free.UK PRF, if you've got an old Mac G5 - I've got some RAM for you (it'll work in a PC too, of course, but chances are you probably haven't got a working PC old enough for these to fit into).4 x 512mb modules of DDR 400mhz PC3200 SDRAM. They'll fit into a G5 Dual Processor machine, but not into a multicore processor machine (those need DDR2 RAM).If you've only got 512mb in there or something, this'll give it a new lease of life.You pay shipping.B.PM'd