tips for vocal stamina in the studio.

I need some help with not blowing out my voice in the studio.

My band is entering the studio over the next couple months to complete record a new musical masterwork and I'm almost positive I'm going to blow my voice out after a few takes and not be able to finish the whole record. Do any of you involved in recording bands or who are vocalists yourselves have any tips or advice about how to keep up a voice that is routinely abused?

In the past I would do more yelling. It was higher pitched and I found that after a few practice sets over the course of a week or so, my voice would maintain its form for a 9-day tour. Once it got used to being assaulted every night, it would work pretty well without a fuss. In writing for our new record, I've started doing more singing and the range of operation of my voice box is a bit lower than it used to be. Where I used to yell with pressure against the top of my throat, not I am yelling square in the middle of it. I'm finding I can't keep up my voice like I used to. I asked my ENT for a solution hoping he'd introduce me to some magic potion, but he just said to turn up the PA so I don't have to strain and to refrain from talking during the day on tour. Not exactly what I was looking for.

So do any of you have any elixirs, potions, remedies, routines, plans, or advice for yellers like me who want to abuse our vocal chords without consequence?

In the studio, I plan to limit vocal recording to 3 songs a day in hopes I won't blow my box out, but I've found that on tour my voice is totally shot after 3 shows. I need to be able to keep it fresh on the road too.

If you're wondering about the specifics of the singing in question, check out this demo of one of the songs we're recording.


tips for vocal stamina in the studio.

Throat Coat tea. It is AWESOME. Dump a bunch of honey in it and have a cup when your throat is hurting from singing too much and you can usually significantly extend the life of your throat. I live around Chicago and Jewel and Dominicks (Safeway) usually have it with the rest of the herbal teas and such. Not sure where you'd find a source in AL though.

Also try chewing on black licorice, that is supposed to help your throat too.

I had a book once called "The Rock N' Roll Singer's Survival Guide" but my friend stole it. It had TONS of tips in it, I wish I could remember them now.

tips for vocal stamina in the studio.

i think i may have to try and hunt this down as my throat keeps getting fucked after gigs. i find eating lots of fruit / drinking plenty of fruit juice helps, though it may have more to do with generally boosting the body's immune system, i guess...
to be honest, i reckon it's the post-gig drinking / excessive smoking / shouting at friends over deafening djs that has more of a detrimental effect...

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