by Wood Goblin_Archive
I spent a night in Sibenik, Croatia, with a very persistent yet harmless male prostitute named Drago. (As we were walking back to his flat, and before I realized he was a prostitute and not just someone letting a room, someone on the street heckled him using the name Alex, so I'm not sure what his real name was.) He spoke nearly perfect English and was quite friendly.It was a pretty damn uncomfortable situation, but by the time he started propositioning me, it was too late to find other accommodations. I didn't care about the gay thing; what bothered me was the constant propositioning.The next morning, I knocked on his bathroom door to see whether he was using the bathroom or whether he had already left for the day; he was still there. Later, when it was vacant, I went in there to shave. As I was shaving, he poked his head around the door."Beeeeee-illl . . .""Yes, Drago?""Do you want sex?""No, Drago. I still don't want sex.""Oh, I thought you perhaps are wanting some sex.""I'm not sure what gave you that idea, Drago.""You knocked on the door when I was using bathroom.""I was just being polite, Drago."After he left, I packed up my bags and got out of there.