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problems with CDR s
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 7:18 pm
by capnreverb_Archive
I have an early stand alone tascam cd burner from the late 90's and have a bitch of a time finding cdrs that still work in it. I thought it might be the 74 minute vrs the 80 minute, but i found some 80's that work. But, i went back and bought more of those that did work and they dont work, but they might be a different speed than the others. Has anybody else had this problem?
How are "music" cdr's different that other cdr's other than cost, and might that be the solution?
any other comments or opinions you folks have on cdrs such as quality and brands etc. would probably be helpfull to all of us.
problems with CDR s
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 8:58 pm
by Chris Hardings_Archive
Yes I have experienced these problems. I have a tascam cdw5000, and for some reason even inthe same package of CDs, it will say OPC FAILED and I haven't been able to figure it out. but 1 brand of CD that always worked is, if you go to discmakers, they have printable CDs (which you can print on the top of it with a special colour printer) I haven't had an OPC probelm with those. I actually purchased them because we print our own CDs in-house.
Sell it. It's not that good really.
The speed thing is definitely a factor I averaged into the equation.
problems with CDR s
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:46 am
by Dylan_Archive
I've also been having a terrible time of it. I have a stand-alone and it's getting harder and harder to find 'music' CDRs. The industry standard seems to be 'data' CDRs (as far as anything less than huge bulkloads). Basically, you want to look at the Compact Disc logo - if it says "digital audio", then it's for stand-alone. Also, if you are ordering online, look for the phrase 'DA' (for "digital-audio") or ask if they are CD-DA. I've been having very good luck with TDK, and the printing is light enough so that when I put a sticker over it, it doesn't really show through.
I can't comment on the age of the player, though. I haven't had any problems like that.
problems with CDR s
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:51 am
by Gramsci_Archive
CDR players are now really really cheap. The easiest way to fix the problem is to buy a new one...
problems with CDR s
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:13 pm
by Mayfair_Archive
Thank you, thank you you bunch of egg-headed recording dorks! THAT WAS THE PROBLEM WITH MY CDR BURNER!!!!!! I was ready to either throw the burner out into the street or strangle the guy that sold it to me but your suggestion to switch brands of CDRs WORKED!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!! You saved me from a life behind bars!
problems with CDR s
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:55 pm
by capnreverb_Archive
Well, i waited on hold for 16 minutes with tascam to talk to their techs and they said that my cdr 5000 was an antique and that the only media it will allow is 16X speed or less. hopefully this will work. you can get them cheap online but all the computer and office supply stores in town dont have them.
problems with CDR s
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 11:28 pm
by djanes1_Archive
Stand alone cd copiers are pretty much assumed to be only used for copying copyrighted music. So the music companies decided they should get a cut of all the cdrs sold for those systems. So stand alone CD copiers only accept 'music' cdrs, and those 'music' cdrs cost a little more so the music companies can get their cut.
CD copiers that are part of a computer may theoretically be used for legal copying, so there is no extra charge for the media they use.
Im sorry if this makes no sense, im getting drunk before i go to quintron's house to see someone from Finland named Kaska yell obscetities.
problems with CDR s
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 4:12 am
by justinc_Archive
djanes1 wrote:Im sorry if this makes no sense, im getting drunk before i go to quintron's house to see someone from Finland named Kaska yell obscetities.
last seen with on halloween as 'quintrons roadie'