crap-not crap: paul mccartney
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:20 pm
the one and only macca. let forth...
MorphineCharley wrote:The songs he wrote for the Beatles were the worst ones.
Angry_Dragon wrote:I hate this man with a passion that is usually reserved for... well, I guess Paul McCartney.
tired of running joe wrote:Hmmm. Taking into account just how famous this guy is, I think he's turned out okay. He's an easy target. Everyone mentions the "Froggy Song". But people don't wail on Stevie Wonder so much for "I Just called To Say I Love You", which doesn't even have the get out clause of being a kiddies' song. Paul McCartney has encouraged and supported Brian Wilson. He seems to have raised a nice family. He didn't cheat on his wife and he didn't download child porn and he played some shit hot bass. And he wrote Helter Skelter. I think he's kept his shit together remarkably well, all told.
run joe, run wrote:
Already posted by Angry Dragon (did you forget?).
Angry_Dragon wrote:Mr. "PleaseDieInAFireBecauseIHateYourFuckingGuts" McCartney