Dear EA forum,
I would like to know why it is important to re-cap a multitrack machine or a console.
I understand that re-cap means replace the old capacitors with new ones.
Thank you
2I'm sure this applies to just about everything else audio wise, I know it does with amplifiers, but old capacitors get noisey and cause humming and stuff like that.
3capacitors become leaky... meaning they don't block DC as well... also the capacitance di-electric breaks down over time...
capacitors are generally better today than twenty years ago...
start with electrolytics... generally like for like... power supply filtering
then signal blocking case-by-case replace with poly-propylene (REDS or Orange Dots)
remove ceramics in signal path when possible
tantalum... not sure about these... I've read both positive and negatives on replacement... generally not recommended in signal path
capacitors are generally better today than twenty years ago...
start with electrolytics... generally like for like... power supply filtering
then signal blocking case-by-case replace with poly-propylene (REDS or Orange Dots)
remove ceramics in signal path when possible
tantalum... not sure about these... I've read both positive and negatives on replacement... generally not recommended in signal path
4to add to sonixx good post, from the audio path side - many people have said after recapping an old console that the low end is much better on the channels that have been recapped, or on the flip side, once it's recapped - it's back to how the manufacturer intended the thing to sound.