John Grabski III memorial page

Ptommydski wrote:Bill Swansea wrote:Tommy, I'm sure you mean well (in fact I know you do), and I don't want this page to turn into some deep heated discussion about the topic, but this comes off as a bit disrespectful to me, y'know?I'll happily remove it if you like. Maybe I've misunderstood the purpose of the thread but I thought this bit was asking for people to post their tributes -steve wrote:Suggestions for what to add to the page, specifically links to other pages or memorials.I definitely don't want it added to that page, I think it's absolutely perfect as it is and agree that it should be kept as clutter free as possible. However, it seems innocent enough in this thread, if it's to be used as a memorial.I'm legitimately sorry if I offended anybody by misinterpreting the initial post.I thought he meant the page he'd posted when he mentioned suggestions for links other tributes and stuff. Yeah I may have misread that one, my bad. Nevermind!(Both tributes are a great read btw.)

John Grabski III memorial page

Ptommydski wrote:This was a wonderful and moving read. Thanks for posting it.I wrote a couple of things about Teeth on my website. They seem sort of silly in the face of such a terrific tribute but I'll link them in this thread for posterity - Review: Teeth - The StrainRemembering John Grabski III 1978-2012We miss you John.Tommy, I'm sure you mean well (in fact I know you do), and I don't want this page to turn into some deep heated discussion about the topic, but this comes off as a bit disrespectful to me, y'know?

John Grabski III memorial page

The conclusion of Steve's essay is why I never failed to smile when reading John's updates. The fact that we have The Strain -- and that it is so good -- is important. It is less important than knowing John kept at it when his time was short. Even if he finished the second album, there would have been a third, or fourth, or some related project not yet complete, because that is how John was wired. I hope the same will be said of me when I am gone.

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